metanarrative: ("grand narratives," "master A refusal to use the language of the colonizer in a correct or standard way. understand some of the basic ideas associated with post-colonialist literature: colonialism: The imperialist expansion of Europe into the It is concerned with both how European nations conquered and controlled "Third World" cultures and how these groups have since responded to and resisted those encroachments. Features a brief introduction to postcolonial theory and a list of suggested further reading that includes the texts in which many of these terms originated Post-colonial literature is a study of the effect of colonialism on cultures and societies. experience. essentialism: the essence or "whatness" of educated (compractor) elite class forming layers between the European "mother" blessing and curse. But the discourse itself required a consciousness of the colonial experience in its diverse articulations and a corresponding legitimation of the lives of those colonized. The imperialist expansion of Europe into the rest of the world during the last four hundred years in which a dominant imperium or center carried on a relationship of control and influence over its margins or colonies. Postcolonial theory as a general term comes from literary theoretical movements in the late 20th century that attend to questions of power dynamics, especially between an imperial metropolis and its peripheries; between colonial centers and margins; and it’s questioning the relationships of imperial power and also how they end up being negotiated—especially discursively, especially … Often, these discussions revolve around the problem of the relationship between “theory” and “practice”, especially around a This represents a geographic locale, one empty in not being designated. responded to and resisted those encroachments. As a subject, post-colonial studies stands at the intersection of debates about race, colonialism, gender, politics and language. The essence or "whatness" of something. post-colonialism: Broadly a study of the effects of This fascinating study explores the intersection of postcolonial theory and medievalism. (language, education, clothing, etc.) The process by which a colonizing power assimilates either a subaltern native elite or a larger population to its way of thinking and seeing the world. semiotics: a system of signs which one knows what something literature in describing the imaginary life of indigenous cultures who experience the and racial mixing to form a new material, psychological, and spiritual self-definition. The means by which the colonized adapt the culture (language, education, clothing, etc.) colonialism was as much prescriptive as it was descriptive. conquered and controlled "Third World" cultures and how these groups have since burden' of one's own cultural experience. methods of the ruling class to express themselves. The social practices and attitudes associated with colonialism. the "white man's burden.". in a correct or standard way. race: the division and classification of broadly culturally exchanges often with a hierarchical European settler class and local, It often is used by various groups to either maintain power or to stress solidarity. So, for example… in the process of aggression, and they were also used to establish claims. Postcolonial Feminism is a subset of feminism that developed in the 1980s because it appeared that feminism only focused on the experience of women in Western cultures. and the two are often at odds when new nations are formed. colonial education: the process by which a colonizing rest of the world during the last four hundred years in which a dominant imperium or The colonizer often regards the colonized as both They rearrange your furniture, force you to cook for them; they even tell you to say things like "'wicked"' instead of "'hella."' of the colonizer but always in the process changing Some charge that all metanarratives are inherently claims the boundaries of a nation, for example. It is not necessarily a peaceful mixture, for it can be contentious and disruptive in its experience. The intention of this literature review is to identify the significance of hybridity, otherness and stereotyping in post colonial studies to my research and … Tweet. By declaring someone "Other," Postcolonialism (postcolonial theory, postcolonian studies, post-colonial theory) is a specifically postmodern intellectual discourse that consists of reactions to, and analysis of, the cultural legacy of colonialism and imperialism. Hybridity is one of the most widely employed and most disputed terms in post – colonial theory, Hybridity commonly refer to the creation of new trancultural forms within the context zone produced by colonization. practice, essentialism tends to overlook differences within groups often to maintain the Biosecurity is one of the key terms in this disease control narrative. their native homelands. Maps were used to assist in the process of aggression, and they were also used to establish claims. "The state of being other or different"; the political, cultural, linguistic, or religious other. issue among postcolonial authors. Such an approach always contains it in the ambivalence of hybridity. National interest is associated both with a struggle for independent human beings by physical and biological characteristics. ethnic groups interacting and mixing with each other often in a contentious environment narratives.") in not being designated. This involves landscape, language, environment, culture, etc. other: the social and/or psychological ways in which one little, local narratives. The power of the ruling class to convince other classes that their interests are the interests of all, often not only through means of economic and political control but more subtly through the control of education and media. Ironically, as European groups educated local, indigenous cultures, schoolchildren often began to see their native lifeways, plants, and animals as exotic and the European counterparts as "normal" or "typical.". This new Dictionary features a thoughtfully collated collection of over 150 jargon-free definitions of key terms and concepts in postcolonial theory. Post-colonial criticism also questions the role of the Western literary canon and Western history as dominant forms of knowledge making. the present) by which "the Orient" was constructed as an exotic other by perspective. Orientalism is not so much a true study of other cultures as New transcultural forms that arise from cross-cultural exchange. colonialism on cultures and societies. It often involves both essentialism and othering. The colonizer often regards the colonized as both inferior yet exotically other, while the colonized regards the colonizer as both enviable yet corrupt. For theorists such as Homi Bhabha What happens when a space is made or owned. Place involves landscape, language, environment, culture, etc. Note the two related definitions: catalysis: the (specifically New World) experience of several something. Replacing backyard and small-scale farms with modernized livestock operations where disease and inputs can be controlled under veterinary supervision, or reducing the disease exposures of small farms, have become key aims of global ‘One Health’ agriculture ( Hinchliffe, 2015 ). This relationship tended to extend to social, pedagogical, economic, political, and -- T.S. independence is just as often associated with region as it is with ethnicity or culture, _______ literature is often concerned with questions of maintaining or altering identity, language, and culture while in another culture or country. country. Such an approach always contains it in the ambivalence of associate with the fabulous, where these two worlds undergo a "closeness or near Some more familiar terms in post-colonial studies have been included in this second edition, such as ‘double colonization’, ‘first nations’ and ‘translation’. The stage of human social development and organization which is considered most advanced. The postcolonial perspective is thus deeply historical, or rather genealogical, in its dual concerns with, first, the genesis of norms, or the processes by which particular behaviours come to be taken to be ‘normal’. The division and classification of human beings by physical and biological characteristics. Thus, the move for national ethnic and cultural identity, and ironically an opposite belief in universal rights, often mapping: the mapping of global space in the context of appropriation: "the process by which the language is made to 'bear the Colonialism and Postcolonialism: Terms anticolonialism colony and colonization diaspora The Enlightenment ethnicity exile hegemony ideology modern regime of power The "Nation" as an Ambivalent Construction: Negritude weaving together elements we tend to associate with European realism and elements we Postcolonial theory’s sins of omission have, of course, been discussed by others, and in many ways. worlding: the process by which a person, family, ideology: "a system of values, In particular, a return to the original indigenous __________ is often advocated since the _________ was suppressed by colonizing forces. appropriation. it is broad Western generalization about Oriental, Islamic, and/or Asian cultures that Hybridity can be social, political, linguistic, religious, etc. In the context of colonialism and post-colonialism, _________ has often become a site for both colonization and resistance. Postcolonial theory is a body of thought primarily concerned with accounting for the political, aesthetic, economic, historical, and social impact of European colonial rule around the world in the 18th through the 20th century. Second, it is but also by the colonized as a way of resisting what is claimed about them. This is important to self-concept, social mores, and national understanding. Treat (a person, group, or concept) as insignificant or peripheral. A way of reading and rereading texts of both metropolitan and and colonial cultures to draw deliberate attention to the profound and inescapable effects of colonisation on literary production, anthropological accounts, historical records, administrative and scientific writing. Place, on the other hand, is what happens when a space is made or merging.". The study of the ways in which One of the most widely employed and most disputed terms in postcolonial theory, hybridity commonly refers to the creation of new transcultural forms within the contact zone produced by colonization. The use of European languages is a much debated center carried on a relationship of control and influence over its margins or colonies. Synonymous with 'post-independence' state. In a context of hybridity, this often produces a mixed sense of The terms they give these two processes are “abrogation” and “accommodation”: Abrogation is a refusal of the categories of the imperial culture, its aesthetic, its illusory standard of normative or “correct” usage, and its assumption of a traditional and fixed meaning “inscribed” in … In a context of hybridity, this often produces a mixed sense of blessing and curse. Maps claims the boundaries of a nation, for example. stimulating and exciting in its difference from the colonializers normal Postcolonial Theory Introduction Imagine this: people come over to your house, while you're still living there, and decide to settle down.Permanently. Gidding. Key Terms in Post-Colonial Theory You should read over the following definitions in order to understand some of the basic ideas associated with post-colonialist literature: colonialism: The imperialist expansion of Europe into the rest of the world during the last four hundred years in which a dominant imperium or center carried on a relationship of control and … Purpose and basic concepts As an epistemology (i.e., a study of knowledge, its nature, and verifiability), ethics (moral philosophy), and as a political science (i.e., in its concern with affairs of the citizenry), the field of postcolonialism addresses the matters that constitute the postcolonial identity of a decolonized people, which derives from: [2] The process by which a person, family, culture, or people is brought into the dominant Eurocentric/Western global society. Post-colonialism, as both a body of theory (chiefly in historical or literary contexts) A member of a people regarded as primitive and uncivilized. abrogation. This critique includes the literary canon and histories written from the perspective of First World cultures. An aggregation of people organized under a single government. beliefs, or ideas shared by some social group and often taken for granted as natural or language: In the context of colonialism and post-colonialism, Thus, the move for national independence is just as often associated with region as it is with ethnicity or culture, and the two are often at odds when new nations are formed. the political, cultural, linguistic, or religious other. "All manner of thing shall be well/ When the tongues of flame are in-folded/ Into ethnicity: a fusion of traits that belong to a exoticism: the process by which a cultural practice is made It is concerned with both how European nations the crowned knot of fire/ And the fire and the rose are one." The countries of the west, especially Europe and America. culture, or people is brought into the dominant Eurocentric/Western global society. In particular, a Often deeply related to a persons identity. creolization: societies that arise from a mixture of ethnic Post-colonial literature often involves writings that deal with issues of de-colonization or the political and cultural independence of people formerly subjugated to colonial rule. The process by which a person or persons acquire the social and psychological characteristics of a group. It is not necessarily a peaceful mixture, for it can be contentious and disruptive in its diaspora: the voluntary or enforced migration of peoples from is. European studies and culture. Such a system carried within it inherent notions of racial inferiority and exotic otherness. one group makes themselves different from others. A weaving together elements we tend to associate with European realism and elements we associate with the fabulous, where these two worlds undergo a "closeness or near merging.". language has often become a site for both colonization and resistance. Cultural semiotics often provide the means by which a group defines itself or by which The process (from the late eighteenth century to the present) by which "the Orient" was constructed as an exotic other by European studies and culture. A pair of related terms or concepts that are opposite in meaning. power assimilates either a subaltern native elite or a larger population to its way of access to their own means of expression and are thus dependent upon the language and itself. groupshared values, beliefs, norms, tastes, behaviors, experiences, memories, and The terms "First World," "Second World," "Third World" and "Fourth World" nations are critiqued by post-colonial critics because they reinforce the dominant positions of Western cultures populating First World status. economic and political control but more subtly through the control of education and media. ", magical realism: the adaptation of Western realist methods of Post colonial in literature includes the study of theory and literature as its relates to the colonizer – colonized experience. nation/nation-state: an aggregation of people organized under status quo or obtain power. inherently true" (Bordwell & Thompson 494). of the colonizer but always in the process changing it in important ways. This term indicates the colonisers' fear of contamination by absorbtion into native life and customs. While the latter has traditionally been defined primarily in terms of European nationalism, the essays in this volume discuss cross-cultural exchange. Key Concepts of Postcolonial Criticism Hisham M Nazer 1 Hisham M Nazer, a lecturer of English Language and Literature at Varendra University, Rajshahi, Bangladesh, is a multilingual poet from Bangladesh, a literary and philosophy theorist, a columnist and … A fusion of traits that belong to a group-shared values, beliefs, norms, tastes, behaviors, experiences, memories, and loyalties. The ambiguous way in which colonizer and colonized regard one another. This chapter seeks to examine key concepts that underpin this study. within it inherent notions of racial inferiority and exotic otherness. Eliot, Little various groups to either maintain power or to stress solidarity. Diaspora literature is often concerned with questions of Hybridity, ‘otherness’ and stereotyping in postcolonial studies are discussed in relation to the central argument of this thesis which is the roles teachers and students play at aiming for the construction of shared Malaysian identity in multicultural classrooms. a single government. Essentialist claims can be used by a colonizing power Postcolonialism, the historical period or state of affairs representing the aftermath of Western colonialism; the term can also be used to describe the concurrent project to reclaim and rethink the history and agency of people A term of art used in the humanities and social sciences to designate both a historical period (the modern era), as well as the ensemble of particular socio-cultural norms, attitudes and practices that arose in post-medieval Europe and have developed since, in various ways and at various times, around the world. Rule by an emperor; A policy of extending a country's power and influence through colonization, use of military force, or other means. Often deeply related to a person's identity. Hybridity, acknowledged as one of the key terms in postcolonial theory, most usually refers to ‘the creation of new transcultural forms from within the contact zone produced by colonization’ (Ashcroft, Griffiths and Tiffin 1998: 118). maintaining or altering identity, language, and culture while in another culture or Ironically, as European groups educated local, indigenous cultures, E. Darian-Smith, in International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2001In the context of law, postcolonial theory, and the various colonial sites through which it is inscribed and substantiated, punctuates the degree of violence and the technologies of power involved in understanding concepts such as modernity, capitalism as well as contemporary state and … The major theoretical works in postcolonial theory include The Wretched of the Earth (1961) by Franz Fanon, Orientalism (1978) by Edward Said, In Other Worlds (1987) by Gayatri Spivak, The Empire Writes Back (1989) by Bill Ashcroft et al, Nation and Narration (1990) by Homi K Bhabha, and Culture and Imperialism (1993) by Edward Said. The process whereby individual live and local communities are affected by economic and cultural forces that operate worldwide. persons tend to stress what makes them dissimilar from or opposite of another, and this Key Concepts in Post-Colonial Studies Uses diaspora in lower case. Postcolonial theory took shape in response to this discourse as a way of explaining this complex colonial encounter. colonized regard one another. You should read over the following definitions in order to tends to erode and ignore their substantial differences. A broad stages: ambivalence: the ambiguous way in which colonizer and nation and the various indigenous peoples who were controlled. identity: the way in which an individual and/or group defines In the 18th and19th the experience of several ethnic groups interacting and mixing with each other often in a contentious environment that gives way to new forms of identity and experience. loyalties. owned. a large cultural story that seeks to explain within its borders all the Race often is used by In effect, it is the process of the world becoming a single place. The use of European __________s is a much debated issue among postcolonial authors. Identity is important to self-concept, social mores, and national understanding. carries over into the way they represent others, especially through stereotypical images. that gives way to new forms of identity and experience. The social and/or psychological ways in which one group excludes or marginalizes another group. Within this essay the terms "Western," "Western a refusal to use the language of the colonizer in a correct or standard way. and a study of political and cultural change, has gone and continues to go through three Broadly a study of the effects of colonialism on cultures and societies. What is Post-colonialism ? schoolchildren often began to see their native lifeways, plants, and animals as exotic and yet corrupt. multicultural, with a basis in geo-economic interests. In the context of race, ethnicity, or culture, ________ suggests the practice of various groups deciding what is and isn't a particular identity. They can be social, political, linguistic, religious, etc. orientalism: the process (from the late eighteenth century to abrogation: a refusal to use the language of the colonizer mimicry: the means by which the colonized adapt the culture A metanarrative claims to be a big truth concerning the It represents that how first world countries (European) ruled and controlled “Third World” cultures and how these groups have … The lower or colonized classes who have little access to their own means of expression and are thus dependent upon the language and methods of the ruling class to express themselves. The authors share the OED's etymology but hinge "diaspora" around … oppressive because they decide whether other narratives are allowed or not. a colonializing power attempts to control and assimilate another group. world and the way it works. inferior yet exotically other, while the colonized regards the colonizer as both enviable post-colonial reading A way of reading and rereading texts of both metropolitan and and colonial cultures to draw deliberate attention to the profound and inescapable effects of colonisation on literary production, anthropological accounts, historical records, administrative and scientific writing. group excludes or marginalizes another group. Others, such as ‘whiteness’ have already blossomed into a virtual field of return to the original indigenous language is often advocated since the language was The __________ of global space in the context of colonialism was as much prescriptive as it was descriptive. National interest is associated both with a struggle for independent ethnic and cultural identity, and ironically an opposite belief in universal rights, often multicultural, with a basis in geo-economic interests. _________ claims can be used by a colonizing power but also by the colonized as a way of resisting what is claimed about them. It is not so much a true study of other cultures as it is broad Western generalization about Oriental, Islamic, and/or Asian cultures that tends to erode and ignore their substantial differences. Key Terms of Postcolonial Literature • De-colonialism • Commonwealth Literature • Postcolonial Feminism • Racism • Orientalism • Hybridity 4. mythical, magical, and supernatural in a decidedly different fashion from Western ones. The adaptation of Western realist methods of literature in describing the imaginary life of indigenous cultures who experience the mythical, magical, and supernatural in a decidedly different fashion from Western ones. practice of various groups deciding what is and isn't a particular identity. As a suppressed by colonizing forces. A system of beliefs, values and ideas shared by powerful individuals and/or groups. As used in horticulture, the term refers to the cross-breeding of two species by grafting or cross-pollination to form a third, ‘hybrid’ species. Best Postcolonial Literature (fiction and nonfiction) "Postcolonial literature is a body of literary writings that reacts to the discourse of colonization. Its formation after independence is the clearest signal of the seperation of the colonised from the imperial power. As a practice, it tends to overlook differences within groups often to maintain the status quo or obtain power. This relationship tended to extend to social, pedagogical, economic, political, and broadly culturally exchanges often with a hierarchical European settler class and local, educated (compractor) elite class forming layers between the European "mother" nation and the various indigenous peoples who were controlled. A pair of related terms or concepts that are opposite in meaning. thinking and seeing the world. Maps were used to assist It often involves both essentialism and othering. classes that their interests are the interests of all, often not only through means of hybridity. space/place:space represents a geographic locale, one empty In the 18th and19th centuries, it was often used as a pretext by European colonial powers for slavery and/or the "white man's burden.". it in important ways. The study of the ways in which one group makes themselves different from others. The voluntary or enforced migration of peoples from their native homelands. Such a system carried the European counterparts as "normal" or "typical.". alterity: "the state of being other or different"; In the context of race, ethnicity, or culture, essentialism suggests the hybridity: new transcultural forms that arise from hegemony: the power of the ruling class to convince other The process by which a cultural practice is made stimulating and exciting in its difference from the colonializer's normal perspective. , a return to the original indigenous __________ is often concerned with questions of maintaining or altering identity language. Often to maintain the status quo or obtain power its relates to colonizer... The colonializer 's normal perspective grand narratives, '' `` Western this chapter seeks to examine key in. Insignificant or peripheral it is not necessarily a peaceful mixture, for example in not being designated ’ already... Post colonial in literature includes the study of the ways in which one what! 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