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Those things are much cheaper rather than buying tackle boxes. How do you know which is Male and a Females. You don’t have to add the lid. I wonder if there’s any chance the beetles are eating the eggs or the babies. The beetles and the superworms generally prefer darker areas. Thanks to all of you for the previous comments, and especially to Gecko Time for the main article! Can’t get much cheaper than that! Sometimes the larger superworms (especially when first added to the container) might be able to climb out. I swear it took me a full year to get from beetles to full size superworms. Forgot to add: When it comes to fruits/veggies, I start out with thin slices of potato/carrot/apple for the developing larvae after I moved the adults out–this calls for regular replacement but it also limits the possibility of fungal/bacterial invasion. As long as you have a good group of them there should be a good mix of males and females. That’s the most I can tell you. can you give me any suggestions. Males and females are always together so I’m sure they are repeatedly mating. I’m flattered. You can put the lids on but you’ll have to put a hole in it otherwise they will suffocate. I have never encountered grain mites so I don’t have first hand experience. Potatoes and carrots dry out to fast. hey im thinking about breeding superworms any 1 got any tips / pointers. It sounds to me like they are not getting enough moisture therefore the superworms that hatch are preying on smaller larva and eggs. A note of general caution: several of my dragons have died after eating wireworms, maybe they weren’t chewed and killed, and then fed on the dragons’ insides. Then I use medium water crystals and thinly spread them on top of the bedding every few days. Your best bet is to use something they’ll eat as bedding. I use a mix of wild bird seed, brown rice, and rolled oats, which will absorb the potato moisture more slowly and be less likely to be invaded by fungus or bacteria. When the larvae are large enough to be moved into general population I’ll simply use graduated screening to separate the various elements (larvae from substrate, coarse substrate from fine). This will make it easier to separate the superworms later for cleaning or feeding your animals. I have a 7-week old Savannah Monitor and he tends to prefer Superworms far more than crickets. The males have wings that they can use to flutter, not fly. It will take about 2 weeks for the eggs to hatch at temps in the mid to upper 70s. i am using chicken laying mass as a bedding for my betles, is it fine? Better to use Yorker bottles without the tops, they’re chceap and easy to order en masse. Otherwise they may wander through the container digging up eggs and eating them. and it will save a lot of money because were already breeding leopard geckos and they take 25 super worm a week and there like $5 for 50. I put them in a whole new empty container and not in with the other larva. Thanks for the information! Keep the super worms in a separate room with the door closed to minimize moth invasion. (If Cody has more to say about this, I assume he’ll comment as well)Basically, you either have to contain your food so the moths that you put up with can’t get it or you have to find a way to eliminate the moths: Contain the food: Keep everything in the fridge or in canisters. They will die off eventually of “old age”. @Maverick67 – To prevent being overrun with superworms you can cut back on how many beetles you have. To combat that, I have been blending their food finely, (I feed chick starter) and then microwaving it. I breed my own supers and beetles Email me if you have any questions. Superworms have 4 stages of life: egg, larva, pupae and beetle. It sounds like you are doing things right. I have also gotten them in my roach bins. So I kept 6 of the super worms that where near death two weeks ago and place them in one container of food and pieces of potatoes. We also open the box and let it air out at least once a day. That’s alot of money since each rooster is rationed only 20 Superworms per day. Although I wish I did this back in may. Nothing is happening. They don’t smell,climb,fly or bite. thanks in advance guys. In mass rearing of mealworm, Tenebrio molitor, I have a problem. If that doesn’t seem to be the problem try a smaller container. I’d imagine at least a few months. I use the heat mats for seeds/plants, super worms, and for baby chicks after they hatch from eggs. I’ve read lots of info online who to raise them and still nothing. is it better for them to have 32-35` celcius ?because thats our normal temp here in our place. Many pupae are getting black and die. Kari put toilet paper rolls in the bin with the beetles. They do have a lid and we drill a small hole in the top of each one. If you have those “baby” super worms in the dish, how are they getting there? I notice something though about these beetles. I’m glad you’re finding the article useful. They were fed well enough and had the proper bedding. How to distinguish between male and female of Mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) on egg stage? Male and female beetles, examined 11–12 days postinfection, were shown to exhibit a significant decrease in activity and photophobic behaviour. If you have any more questions you can comment or you can go to my website ( and contact me under the contact page. Do you let them die out or do something else? Do you ever have trouble with weevils in the bedding? Lately my beetles have been dieing within a couple of weeks. In my experience with both mealworms and superworms, the eggs seem to be pretty resilient and you should go ahead and dump to your heart’s content. Can you use cornmeal as a bedding supplement? How do u tell the difference between male and female beetles? Thanks so much. I have carrots, sliced of potatoes, and celery in their bin. Data concerning, the mineral nutrition of plants can be used in many ways. thanks. Perhaps the author will see this and respond (though realize that the article was written a long time ago). These come in rolls. Well, anyways I’ll give it a shot with the superworms. Thank you! Ken – I have never used them, but thanks so much for this information! After hatching they are very tiny so it will be difficult to see them. Anyways I tried everything you said, since then I never gave up. I’m curious Brain, how long can superworms breed for before they die. I’m guessing beetles live about a month or so (Beatles, on the other hand live anywhere from 40 years [John Lennon] into their 70’s). If you can please tell me several. and they are more carnivore than veggie eater and the females will in fact nurture the babies if they werent separated and bred in mass quantities i fed mine dead fish but then they learned how to catch the fish in my tank, Hey cryptomaniac21 that 100 g tank sounds cool could you take some pics of it and send it to my email at [email protected]. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to save a mealworm colony unless you can pick out each mealworm. I put new beetles into a large tub together with all the ‘right stuff’, i.e. Forget that last question about separating eggs and beetles…totally missed a couple sentences…. they obviously come with the meal you use which mine is a combo of oatmeal wheat germ and wheat bran, im about to give up on raising the worms because pantry moths can be devastating to your own food supply. I’ve added a misted paper towel in the past that they seem to like and gather at. The Pyrex dish is used occasionally with a mesh mealworm feeder to filter worms and debris from the tins. I’m also wondering, since the beetle will live about 2-3 months, do you separate them from the eggs every few weeks? I would put vegetable parings in with adult super worms and also did the same when I was breeding mealworms: eggplant peels, broccoli stems, pieces of zucchini and orange peels for example. John F. Shea DOI: 10.4236/ns.2010.28107 PDF HTML 6,289 Downloads 10,831 Views Citations I am giving them fresh carrots and potatoes every day, sometimes twice a day during our heat wave that we have had to make sure they have a good water supply. When it is time for the beetles to mate, the male will transfer enough sperm into the female to fertilize all of her future eggs. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. This common pest of stored legumes has a cosmopolitan distribution, occurring on every continent except Antarctica. Good luck. They are alive and I keep plenty of food and moisture in their housing and are kept at temps ranging from 60’s to 70″ is there something I am doing wrong or is this common or should they be really active? I was in the reptile business about a decade ago and I had issues with the superworms eating through the plastic tops to the containers I got them in at the store I owned. © 2008-2021 ResearchGate GmbH. Thank you so very much for this information!! While you are waiting for the fruit flies to beam in from their home planet Drosos, gather up some spider silk and start weaving a tiny net. just an FYI…go to your local drug store and ask for pill bottles to seperate the superworms..i went to a few diferent stores and asked for 20 at a time.i offered to purchase them but they were alwase given to me for free.. i told them it was for a school project and i didnt need the tops!. Why are type specimens not kept within their region of origin? Thank you Aliza!!! Again, as I’m still on a small scale, I’ve got my *herd* in various containers (bottoms of juice bottles and milk jugs, mostly) near the back of the refrigerator where they get a good amount of very warm air. And when would it be suitable to feed breeding superworms? When a fruit fly appears in the beam, scoop it up in your net. Commercial gutloads are also very good. im currantly breeding superworm ive bred them before this is the first time ive encounterd grain mites how do i get rid of them any help would be appreciated thanks, My superworms turned into beetles a little over a week ago and have turned totally black but they dont move? This I call their “headlight” but unfortunately it does not light up. It’s plus nine out side this afternoon and really hot in the house, maybe that’s helping the beetles getting frisky with each other. I got grain mites and it was so bad. What do you say. On larva or adult stages. Need advice tnx in advance! Sometimes it is a bit hard to choose from the different brands and styles of baby beddings out there on the market. It works a freaking treat. Some problems that you might find: small white mites that came from the peat moss; mealworm infestations indicated by webbing and/or production of small moths; mealworms from other sources. I buy mine from How long can you keep the larvae together before they die? And here is where my progress stops! They should be kept in a substrate of powdered grain so they can eat and you can sift them out to feed them to the geckos. If you’re not putting little super worms in and you’re seeing them in the water dish, there are 2 possibilities: either the super worms are breeding but you’re not seeing the beetles, or what you’re finding in there are not super worms but may be dermastid beetle larvae. So I should not try to breed them then. Randy, It would be fine for them to eat a pupae as they are still soft bodied but I would not recommend feeding them the beetles. The film canister idea is GREAT. Also I seen that this guy that wrote this Page didn’t have veggies in there with the beetles I would recommend putting potatoes, they don’t make the wheat mold and the government them I keep a bunch in there so the little guys don’t eat each other and also keep some in there when your babies grow up. I’ve found that placing the potato slices on the substrate surface (I use ground chicken layer pellets) tends to cause caking and possibly fungus in the substrate, so since I’m still in a small-scale situation I put a “mulch” of coarser edibles on the surface. Female beetles are larger than the males and lay approx. Not many geckos seem to like them, but you can try. I just let them eat, drink, and be merry! Place a small flashlight so that it illuminates the area immediately above the banana. I am hoping to do demonstrations at my son’s elementary school when he starts later this year. For example, Chapman et al. This pioneer study with foliar samples of Eucalyptus grandis, located off the coast of New South Wales (Turner and Lambert, 2007) is based on multiple regression, analyses of the age (dependent variable) to be analyzed in terms of nutrients (independent variables) such, as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium. I just want to ask, what will happen if I’m not able to maintain a temperature of 70 and above? I sprinkle water on them weekly to provide water for the beetles to drink. Okay I added a big junk of an egg carton into the small fish tank and all those black beetle moved into it, in one bunch. Here’s a Gecko Time article about grain mites: These temperatures can be achieved by keeping the room warm, use heat tape along the backside of the bucket or even a heat lamp. very glad I found this article before getting started. I went in on shipping with a friend and bought super worms in bulk for my rats as treats. I just place a screen over the top or place the film containers in a tub that’s 4” or higher. Ah, I see. Matilda, The beetles should start breeding right away and laying eggs within days. Grant T. McQuate, Mary Liz Jameson, Distinguishing male and female Chinese rose beetles, Adoretus sinicus, with an overview of Adoretus species of biosecurity concern, Journal of Insect Science, Volume 11, Issue 1, 2011, 64, Thanks!! You have Grain or Pantry Moth larva which will hatch into moths. Anything with a mouth can bite. I find those little white aliens after supers have escaped my dragon… flush them!!!! I plan to spread this news because I owe the Internet for being able to feed my bearded dragons by myself so it would only be right if I let everyone else know what I learned from my studies, trails and errors. This is a fascinating site for an old Brit like me…. Would using a smaller size water crystal work? For the past several years I’ve been breeding superworms for all my geckos. In today’s economy we are all searching for ways to save money. If you have a specific question we may be able to help :). For exposure time of less than 0.5 h with infection probability. I’ll send a message to the author and see if he has any ideas. Then you don’t have to worry about where the eggs are or aren’t falling. I have about 100 superworms together in a container. I’ve been following your blog for a month or so and get acquired a lot of reliable information together with liked the way you’ve organised your website. I am guessing that the mice are going to get too large by the time my lizard eats very many. Now I’m breeding them in my gargoyle bioactive enclosure and it’s working really well. I know my audience would enjoy your work. How will I put on a temperature like that? I am not sure that beetles eat eggs. I bought my cups in the dollar store, something like 90 cups for $1.00. Annoying, especially if then then get in your pantry! Bought lots of Superworms…CHECK! Place a comfortable stool next to the counter. It looks like dogs doing the deed. I think I’m familiar with that! I move the beetles every few weeks to a new container. Judy, u won’t be able to miss it. My beardie is costing me at least $70.00 a month sometimes more. So now I have mostly all beetles. Female beetles are larger than the males and lay approx. This I call their “headlight” but unfortunately it does I have to grow it in an artificial medium. In Massachusetts, and I live in a very very old drafty barn… I’ll still give it a shot:). They potentially can. sifted out the worm containers from November today… to find a f grand total of about 50 worms. Why does mine looks dead not curl in c or e. Theyre just straight and dead? I have not noticed any difference in breeding with the smaller and larger beetles. To tell the difference between male and female just look at the front of the head of the beetle right above the mouth parts. The first babies are finally full grown. I have been raising regular mealworms for a year now and have found them to be very hardy.

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