In this instance the resemblance in sound between the words undoubtedly conduced to an union. It was not necessary for the author of the Slang Dictionary to go to the banks of the Danube for the origin of a word which is in the mouths of all English Gipsies, and which was brought to England by their ancestors. Profanities directed at men include poponar, curist and găozar, all with the same meaning of faggot. Another variation on the "mother" theme is "futu-ți dumnezeii mă-tii" which means "fuck your mother's gods". A phrase used when expressing disbelief or sarcasm is "Să mori tu! Site Index . Satarma - star. - The Internet’s cussing dictionary im going to fuck your grandmother. av akai. rashai rarti. Although they are literally connected to masturbation, in the spoken language they have the same meaning as "jerk", "asshole" or "ass" when referring to an individual. In the original Gipsy tongue the word to quarrel is chinger-av, meaning also (Pott, Zigeuner, p. 209) to cut, hew, and fight, while to cut is chinav. Please think about voting for the accuracy of Gypsy swear words below or even add a Gypsy cuss or Gypsy slang phrase. These ideas are not reduced to words; according to a study by the National Federation of Gypsy Liaison Groups and Anglia Ruskin University, 9 out of 10 Roma children have suffered racial abuse. halfbreed gypsy. Continental Gipsy Rakkervava. How to swear in Romanian. Journal Gypsy Lore S; JGLS Extract's; Devon & Somerset; Birch Family. Padda (Panam) Pal (Pral) Pooker. Rye - gentleman. Slavic: 12: Amaro: our: Cf. TRASH is derived by Mr Wedgwood (Dictionary of English Etymology, 1872) from the old word trousse, signifying the clipping of trees. I believe that the American word loafer owes something to this Gipsy root, as well as to the German laufer (landlaufer), and Mexican Spanish galeofar, and for this reason, that when the term first began to be popular in 1834 or 1835, I can distinctly remember that it meant to pilfer. Abbreviations used: fr. For nothing is more clearly established than that the jockey-whip was the original term in which this word first made its appearance on the turf, and that the chuckni was a peculiar form of whip, very long and heavy, first used by the Gipsies. ", which is itself derived from gypsy slang, muj ([muj]) meaning "mouth" in Romani. These are often shortened to "pizda mă-tii". A SHINDY approaches so nearly in sound to the Gipsy word chingaree, which means precisely the same thing, that the suggestion is at least worth consideration. The following is a list of words and formulations commonly used as profanity throughout Romania. dump as ass. In English Gipsy Prasser or Pross means to ridicule or scorn. Here are the main slang words you need to know in order to blend in with the locals. Something of this is implied in the slang word Pross, since it also means “to sponge upon a comrade,” &c., “for drink.”. The words zdreanță, boarfă and ștoarfă are all used to refer to a woman of low moral fiber. COVE is not an elegant, though a very old, word, but it is well known, and I have no doubt as to its having come from the Gipsy. But when we reflect on the constant mingling of Gipsies with prizefighters, it is almost evident that the word BONGO may have been the origin of it. Required fields are marked *. puro. - literally, mod. You can unsubscribe at any time. to beat, to break. They wish to establish every form as symmetrical and mathematical, where nature has been freakish and bizarre. At least one-third of the words now used by Scottish Gipsies are unintelligible to their English brothers. Thus, schukker, pretty; bi-shukker, slow; tschukko, dry, and tschororanes, secretly, have in England all united in shukár, which expresses all of their meanings. I will not put a list of Romanian cuss-words here, but here are some good resources for this purpose. Curvă is an insult meaning whore or prostitute, or, more generally, a sexually promiscuous woman. When said in the indicative mood, as opposed to most profanity in Romanian, which is often in the conjunctive or conditional-optative moods, this expression normally conveys the intention of abandoning a certain course of action or the intention to complete a task with a minimum of effort: "mi-am băgat pula" - literally "I put my dick in", meaning "I did it superficially" (similar to "mi-am băgat picioarele" - "I put my feet in"). It can also be used as "pizda mea" meaning "my pussy". honey. Ruv - wolf. Online dictionaries of the Romanian language, This page was last edited on 1 January 2021, at 23:51. RIGS—running one’s rigs is said to be Gipsy, but the only meaning of rig, so far as I am able to ascertain in Rommany, is a side or an edge. Hanky-panky and Hocus-pocus are each one half almost pure Hindustani. There is, it must be admitted, a great difficulty in tracing, with anything like accuracy, the real origin or identity of such expressions. It should be observed that in no instance can these Gipsy words have been borrowed from English slang. "Lindic" or "clitoris" which means clitoris is used quite often in profanity in instances such as "suge clitorisul meu" or "suge-mi lindicul" ("suck my clit"). The word fleașcă translates roughly to soaking wet and may describe something being ruined through soaking or similar means, or "soft/no erect", and it may refer in slang to pussy, with the implication that it is wet or aroused, or to a soft man which does not stand for his rights, with allusion to his "erection". Romany English Words "...The Romany spoken by English Gypsies today is best described as an English dialect that contains a certain amount of Romany, slang and old cant..." - by Manfri Frederick Wood from In the Life of a Romany Gypsy - A - adoi - there adrey, 'drey - in into, within akai - here av akai - come here ambrol - pear arva, arvalie - yes Because it’s really funny to try and translate literally, word by word, expression, fixed phrases and other dumb shit that’s particular to one language. A. adoi. I do not know the origin of the French word CLICHY, as applied to the noted prison of that name, but it is perhaps not undeserving the comment that in Continental Gipsy it means a key and a bolt. TINY or TEENY has been derived from the Gipsy tāno, meaning “little.”. The common word in every Rommany dialect for a house is, however, neither ken nor khan, but Ker. That it is pure old Rommany appears from the fact that it is to be found as Niglavava in Turkish Gipsy, meaning “I go,” which is also found in Nikliovava and Nikaváva, which are in turn probably derived from the Hindustani Nikalná, “To issue, to go forth or out,” &c. (Brice, Hind. Gypsy Swear Words Beginning with the Letter M - Gypsy cuss words starting with letter M. - The Internet’s cussing dictionary The Gypsy language, then, or what with some qualification I may call such, may consist of some three thousand words, the greater part of which are decidedly of Indian origin, being connected with the Sanscrit or some other Indian dialect; the rest consist of words picked up by the Gypsies from various languages in their wanderings from the East. The following is a list of actual Gypsy(Romani) words and their meanings with a guide to pronunciation. Dr Johnson said of lush that it was “opposite to pale,” and this curiously enough shows its first source, whether as a “slang” word or as indicative of colour, since one of its early Sanskrit meanings is light or radiance. Bulan is slang for "luck" and also for "thigh", bul is also gypsy slang for "ass".
[Greek: ]Klop, s. A gate, seemingly a cant word; perhaps a bell. These words are derived from labă, literally "paw", but referring to masturbation in slang. "Pizdă" is most often employed as a swear word in Romanian. gypsy expelled from tribe. “Jockeyism,” says Mr Borrow, “properly means the management of a whip, and the word jockey is neither more nor less than the term, slightly modified, by which they designate the formidable whips which they usually carry, and which are at present in general use among horse-traffickers, under the title of jockey-whips.” In Hungary and Germany the word occurs as tschuckini or chookni, and tschupni. These words derive from the interjection muie!, loosely translating to "suck my penis", or, generally, as "up yours! A more "traditional" euphemism for this expression is "paștele mă-tii" ("your mother's Easter"), mainly employed because of its phonetic similarity to pizdă. gypsy swear words. The Gipsy seldom has a name for anything of the kind. CHIVVY is a common English vulgar word, meaning to goad, drive, vex, hunt, or throw as it were here and there. I have put together a list of traditional and funny Irish curses below. List of profanities in the Romanian language, Profanities referring to sexual intercourse, "Structuri ale invectivei în româna actuală", "Dicționar explicativ al limbii române | DEX online",, Articles with Romanian-language sources (ro), Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. This, I honestly believe (as Mr Borrow indicates), came from Rum or Rom, a Gipsy. It may be added that it is pure Gipsy, and is still known at the present day to every Rom in England. The reason for the combination or confusion is obvious. “The cheese” probably has the Gipsy-Hidustani chiz for a father, and the French chose for a mother, while both originally sprung thousands of years ago in the great parting of the Aryan nations, to be united after so long a separation in a distant island in the far northern seas. “Applico” to shindy we have the word ROW, meaning nearly the same thing and as nearly Gipsy in every respect as can be. But the old Gipsy word chiv-av among its numerous meanings has exactly that of casting, throwing, pitching, and driving. Related to a fute are the phrases "a i-o trage cuiva" ("to fuck someone"), "a da la buci" ("to fuck in the ass") and "futai" ("sexual intercourse"). Mr Borrow shows us that hocus, to “bewitch” liquor with an opiate, and hoax, are probably Rommany from this root, and I have no doubt that the expression, “Yes, with a hook,” meaning “it is false,” comes from the same. This euphemism is less insulting than the above phrases and often finds its way into informal conversations. I'll shove it in your tonsils. In the first person, să mor eu ("I should die ..."), it is used to uphold a previous statement. It is a very curious fact, that while the word loot is unquestionably Anglo-Indian, and only a recent importation into our English “slanguage,” it has always been at the same time English-Gipsy, although it never rose to the surface. ‘To tool the horses down the road,’ is indeed rather a fine word of its class, being as much used in certain clubs as in stables, and often denotes stylish and gentlemanly driving. I offer not only these three suggested derivations, but also most of the others, with every reservation. It is frequently used when addressing children to refer to the vagina. akai. In the olden times, the word barbarian was used by the Greek to refer to anyone who was non-Greek. Well he'd just be devastated until the end of time to be on the receiving end of such a heated and cutting insult. A bongo yakko or yak, means a distorted, crooked, or, in fact, a bunged eye. Birch Family 2; Marriages/Births/Dea; Marriage/Births/Deaths 2; Heavenly Bottom; Dorset Romany Families; Barnes/Barney Family; Barnes/ Barney & Light family; Barnes Family Pictur; Grais & Juk's; Your Contributions; Cole In Census; Nevi/Wesh/New Forest; Romanies who Emigrat; U.S.A. & Our Folki ; … (95%) (5%) shte ti go tura na babati. adrey, ‘drey. rattlers. high court judge. The word pulă can be translated into English as dick, cock, or prick and is a vulgar way of referring to the penis. The following is a list of actual Gypsy(Romani) words and their meanings with a guide to pronunciation. 1 talking about this. One question I am sometimes asked as a native Irish speaker is why Irish has no swear words or slang associated with it. As with all cultures and groups, there are good and bad. - from, lit. Also, some words that are fine to use in Britain may be considered offensive in other places! A kind of genitive particle used in compound words, being placed between a noun and the particle 'gro' or 'guero,' which signifies a possessor, or that which governs a thing or has to do with it: e.g. pug. Notes: 1. Niggle is one of the English Gipsy words which are used in the East, but which I have not been able to find in the German Rommany, proving that here, as in other countries, certain old forms have been preserved, though they have been lost where the vocabulary is far more copious, and the grammar much more perfect. The female version of bulangiu may be bulangioaică or bulangie, but feminine forms are rare. Next: Chapter VII. Top 10 Gypsy Swear Words. And the term is without the slightest modification, either of pronunciation or meaning, directly and simply Gipsy, and is used by Gipsies in the same way. A DUFFER, which is an old English cant term, expressive of contempt for a man, may be derived from the Gipsy Adovo, “that,” “that man,” or “that fellow there.” Adovo is frequently pronounced almost like “a duffer,” or “a duvva.”. A gorger or gorgio—the two are often confounded—is the common Gipsy word for one who is not Gipsy, and very often means with them a rye or gentleman, and indeed any man whatever. “Stop your bosherin,” or “your bosh,” is what they would term flickin lav, or current phrase. Proverbs and Chance Phrases. These words are derived from labă, literally "paw", but referring to masturbation in slang. Below are some slang words to get you started. rartigillichal. Tras, which means thirst and alarm or terror. Span.
( Log Out / I am writing a book with a story about a gypsy in it and found little material at libraries to help me find a true depiction. It is, however, remarkable, that the Gipsy, though he lives in fields and woods, is, all the world over, far inferior to the American Indian as regards a knowledge of the properties of herbs or minerals. explains more about how we use your data, and your rights. ", or, alternatively, "să moară mă-ta", meaning "should you/your mother die [if what you say is not true]". PUNCH, it is generally thought, is Anglo-Indian, derived directly from the Hindustani Pantch or five, from the five ingredients which enter into its composition, but it may have partially got its name from some sporting Gipsy in whose language the word for five is the same as in Sanskrit. Please think about … When setting off on an adventure in a new country, every responsible backpacker should learn a few useful words and phrases in the local language. avree. Mush. Romano Language. To pay. To help you get around on a daily basis, check out our list of Basic Words for Travelers in Romania. Even the word Gypsy is racist. In Turkish Gipsy, Vordon means a vehicle, in German Gipsy, Wortin. With the Gipsies, bosh is a fiddle, music, noise, barking, and very often an idle sound or nonsense. DICK, an English slang word for sight, or seeing, is purely Gipsy in its origin, and in common use by Rommanis over all the world. Dictionary.”) Bala’ lok, a gentleman. “To make a MULL of anything,” meaning thereby to spoil or confuse it, if it be derived, as is said, from the Gipsy, must have come from Mullo meaning dead, and the Sanskrit Mara. Though some Irish curses don't translate very well, Irish Gaelic has enriched the way Irish people speak English in many ways. JOMER, a sweetheart or female favourite, has probably some connection in derivation with choomer, a kiss, in Gipsy. In Rommany, all the world over, cova means “a thing,” but it is almost indefinite in its applicability. (47%) (53%) tap kato guz. Though the language of the Gipsies has been kept a great secret for centuries, still a few words have in England oozed out here and there from some unguarded crevice, and become a portion of our tongue. atch, hatch. Kushti. One of the variants of this particular insult which is often heard is "morții mă-tii", meaning "your mother's dead [people/relatives]", which is not usually employed in the third person. Let's avoid them. One may pick the first fifty plants which he sees in the woods, and show them to the first Indian whom he meets, with the absolute certainty that the latter will give him a name for every one, and describe in detail their qualities and their use as remedies. It is used mostly in the vocative case: nenorocitule (male), nenorocito (female). MOKE, a donkey, is said to be Gipsy, by Mr Hotten, but Gipsies themselves do not use the word, nor does it belong to their usual language. Indeed, it is only a few days since a Gipsy said to me, “If you know drab, you’re up to everything; for there’s nothing goes above that.” With drab the Gipsy secures game, fish, pigs, and poultry; he quiets kicking horses until they can be sold; and last, not least, kills or catches rats and mice. Gypsy Swear Words. I should remark on the word loure, that Mr Borrow has shown its original identity with loot, the Hindustani for plunder or booty. I believe that to Mr Borrow is due the discovery that the word JOCKEY is of Gipsy origin, and derived from chuckni, which means a whip. These words derive from the interjection muie!, loosely translating to "suck my penis", or, generally, as "up yours! For many of these words, as for instance bite, etymologists have already suggested far more plausible and more probable derivations, and if I have found a place for Rommany “roots,” it is simply because what is the most plausible, and apparently the most probable, is not always the true origin. Kurchi. TOFFER, a woman who is well dressed in new clean clothes, probably gets the name from the Gipsy tove, to wash (German Gipsy Tovava). MAUNDER, to stroll about and beg, has been derived from Mand, the Anglo-Saxon for a basket, but is quite as likely to have come from Maunder, the Gipsy for “to beg.” Mumper, a beggar, is also from the same source. In London, a man who sells cutlery in the streets is called a CHIVE FENCER, a term evidently derived from the Gipsy chiv, a sharp-pointed instrument or knife. Many of my readers are doubtless familiar with the word to TOOL as applied to dexterously managing the reins and driving horses. And it also greatly resembles chindi, which may be translated as “cutting up,” and also quarrel. Muist and its female equivalent, muistă, both mean "blowjob (giver)" often in reference to a whore. Some of the terms listed below (such as "Gringo", "Yank", etc.) rat. A fute literally means "to fuck" and is used in a variety of expletives. As there are several stage words of manifest Gipsy origin, I am inclined to derive this from the old Gipsy Priss, to read. If the word GIBBERISH was, as has been asserted, first applied to the language of the Gipsies, it may have been derived either from “Gip,” the nickname for Gipsy, with ish or rish appended as in Engl-ish, I-rish, or from the Rommany word Jib signifying a language. SHAVERS, as a quaint nick-name for children, is possibly inexplicable, unless we resort to Gipsy, where we find it used as directly as possible. Terror in Gipsy is trash, while thirst is trush, and both are to be found in the Hindustani. Some of them came into English centuries ago, and during that time great changes have taken place in Rommany. See more ideas about welsh swear words, welsh, welsh words. Romania - the laws and traditions of the Gypsy, social order. purchery. I believe that it first made its appearance in English slang as covey, and was then pronounced cúvvy, being subsequently abbreviated into cove. STASH, to be quiet, to stop, is, I think, a variation of the common Gipsy word hatch, which means precisely the same thing, and is derived from the older word atchava. In Gipsy, raklo is a youth or boy, and rakli, a girl; Arabic, ragol, a man. It is purely Gipsy, and seems to have more than one root. Another word used to describe policeman or policewoman that comes from the Romany Gypsy word ‘garav’ which means hide. An English rogue will say, “to shove the queer,” meaning to pass counterfeit money, while the Gipsy term would be to chiv wafri lovvo, or lovey. “Brandy pawnee” is undoubtedly an Anglo-Indian word, but it is used by a very different class of people from those who know the meaning of Parny. A few were none too pleased with how they were portrayed in … See Rossar-mescro. PARNY, a vulgar word for rain, is supposed to have come into England from the “Anglo-Indian” source, but it is more likely that it was derived from the Gipsy panni or water. A pimp is usually referred to as a pește, which literally translated to "fish". apple. But in old Gipsy or in the German Gipsy of the present day, as in the Turkish Rommany, it means so directly “fear, mental weakness and worthlessness,” that it may possibly have had a Rommany origin. In their own language atut means across or against, though to curry (German and Turkish Gipsy kurava), has some of the slang meaning attributed to queer. BARNEY, a mob or crowd, may be derived from the Gipsy baro, great or many, which sometimes takes the form of barno or barni, and which suggests the Hindustani Bahrna “to increase, proceed, to gain, to be promoted;” and Bharná, “to fill, to satisfy, to be filled, &c.”—(Brice’s “Hindústání and English Dictionary.” London, Trübner & Co., 1864). These words derive from the interjection muie!, loosely translating to "suck my penis", or, generally, as "up yours! There is, I think, no rational connection between the BUNG of a barrel and an eye which has been closed by a blow. Dic., p. 745). I have met Rom that have stolen from my store, and I have met many Rom that have been wonderful, paying customers for years. LOUR or LOWR, and LOAVER, are all vulgar terms for money, and combine two Gipsy words, the one lovo or lovey, and the other loure, to steal. Literally, these words refer to male homosexuals, although they are generally used as insulting words towards any male, no matter their sexual orientation. Travel … I can see but little reason for saying that a man cut away or that he shinned it, for run away, unless we have recourse to Gipsy, though I only offer this as a mere suggestion. To help you get around on a daily basis, check out our list of Basic Words for Travelers in Romania. Rowan is given by Pott as equivalent to the Latin ululatus, which constituted a very respectable row as regards mere noise. This was a rallying cry to attack Jewish people in and around the German Confederacy in 1819, during what came to be known as the “Hep-Hep riots.”. Quite a little family of words has come into English from the Rommany, Hocben, huckaben, hokkeny, or hooker, all meaning a lie, or to lie, deception and humbug. arva,arvalie. It is often used in conversation with children to refer to the penis. “A regular RUM ’un” was the form in which the application of the word “rum” to strange, difficult, or distinguished, was first introduced to the British public. Spurs, prickles. Roughly translating as "pussy" or "cunt", it is a vulgar word for the vulva. The English Learner’s Guide to UK Slang: 18 Must-know British Words for Casual Use. One might as well get the simile from a knot in a tree or a cork in a flask. STURABAN, a prison, is purely Gipsy. It carries the same meaning as "moron" or "jerk" in American English, or "wanker" in British English. The film is in a style known as "mockumentary" (think "Spinal Tap"), and many of the Americans who Borat interviewed were supposedly unaware he was an actor and not a real Kazakh journalist. But as I firmly believe that there is much more Gipsy in English, especially in English slang and cant, than the world is aware of, I think it advisable to suggest what I can, leaving to abler philologists the task of testing its value. “BATS,” a low term for a pair of boots, especially bad ones, is, I think, from the Gipsy and Hindustani pat, a foot, generally called, however, by the Rommany in England, Tom Pats. Phrase Meaning Is This Accurate? ratvalo. RUMMY or RUMY, as applied to women, is simply the Gipsy word romi, a contraction of romni, a wife; the husband being her rom. TOSHERS are in English low language, “men who steal copper from ship’s bottoms.” I cannot form any direct connection between this word and any in English Gipsy, but it is curious that in Turkish Gipsy Tasi is a cup, and in Turkish Persian it means, according to Paspati, a copper basin used in the baths. To chiv in English Gipsy means as much and more than to fix in America, in fact, it is applied to almost any kind of action. TOOL as applied to stealing, picking pockets, and burglary, is, like tool, to drive with the reins; derived beyond doubt from the Gipsy word tool, to take or hold. Să te fut translates as "fuck you", but the verb is more commonly used in expressions such as "futu-ți pizda mă-tii" ("fuck your mother's cunt") or just "futu-i" ("fuck it"). In Borat's words, "Please, you come see my film. - modern Indian, Skr. So before you put on that coin skirt and scarf, or proclaim your “free-spirited gypsy-ness,” remember that we already exist and will be always be gypsies and Romani. money. B Day Ww2, adrey, ‘drey. Dec 2, 2019 - Explore Yvonne Carter's board "Welsh swear words" on Pinterest. potato. To pivit, is still known among English Gipsies. It is in Gipsy at the present day in England, correctly, rov, or roven—to cry—but v and w are so frequently transposed that we may consider them as the same letter. In all the Continental Rommany dialects it is Tulliwawa. Rāw or me rauaw, “I howl” or “cry,” is German Gipsy. QUEER, meaning across, cross, contradictory, or bad, is “supposed” to be the German word quer, introduced by the Gipsies. Romane - the language of the Gypsy. Word: Meaning: Notes: Source : Abiav (also abijav, bijav, amnjav, ebav) Marriage, wedding; also festivity or party : 5: Ale: But: Fr. On the Continent it is prala, or pral. It is not at all unlikely that the word codger owes, through cadger, a part of its being to kid, a basket, as Mr Halliwell suggests (Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words, 1852), and yet come quite as directly from gorger or gorgio. Thus, chib or chiv, a tongue, and tschiwawa (or chiv-ava), to lay, place, lean, sow, sink, set upright, move, harness, cover up, are united in England into chiv, which embraces the whole. “Rowdy” comes from “row” and both are very good Gipsy in their origin. Women are usually insulted by comparison to prostitutes. The Gypsy language, then, or what with some qualification I may call such, may consist of some three thousand words, the greater part of which are decidedly of Indian origin, being connected with the Sanscrit or some other Indian dialect; the rest consist of words picked up by the Gypsies from various languages in their wanderings from the East. UP TO TRAP means, in common slang, intelligent. atchen tan. The expression "a face laba" means "to jerk off". In German Gipsy a prison is called stillapenn. At some point, “hep hep” became “hip hip,” and “hooray” … PhilipNikolayev. Men can be insulted with the term bou meaning "castrated bull". Synonyms for gypsy include chal, nomad, roamer, Rom, Romany, wanderer, chai, didicoi, gitana and gitano. bellows. The importing of many a mallacht (the Irish word for a curse) from Gaelic to English has added colour, even when more sinister than funny. In all cases where a word is so “slangy” as mug, it seems more likely that it should have been derived from Rommany than from Italian, since it is only within a few years that any considerable number of the words of the latter language was imparted to the lower classes of London. woollen. swear words and expletives in Romanian. “It is,” says Pott, “a general helper on all occasions; is used as substantive and adjective, and has a far wider scope than the Latin res.” Thus covo may mean “that man;” covi, “that woman;” and covo or cuvvo, as it very often does in English, “that, there.” It sometimes appears in the word acovat, or this. This identity of the so regarded vulgar and the refined, continually confronts us in studying Rommany. BAMBOOZLE, BITE, and SLANG are all declared by the author of the Slang Dictionary to be Gipsy, but, with the exception of the last word, I am unable to verify their Rommany origin. CULL or CULLY, meaning a man or boy, in Old English cant, is certainly of Gipsy origin. Mr Hotten derives it from the Latin Vocare! The well-known “Hookey” who corresponds so closely with his untruthful and disreputable pal “Walker,” is decidedly of the streets—gipsy. out. CODGER, which is common, is applied, as Gipsies use the term Gorgio, contemptuously, and it sounds still more like it. They are all to be found in German Gipsy, which is in its turn identical with the Rommany language of India—of the Nāts, Bhazeghurs, Doms, Multanee or Banjoree, as I find the primitive wandering Gipsies termed by different writers. A womanizer is known as a fustangiu (from fustă, skirt), or pizdar, a word formed in a similar fashion to poponar but which has recently taken on a more positive connotation similar to "player". to run. It is a peculiar word, and all of its peculiarities might well be assumed by the sporting Gipsy, who is always, in his way, a character, gifted with an indescribable self-confidence, as are all “horsey” men characters, “sports” and boxers, which enables them to keep to perfection the German eleventh commandment, “Thou shall not let thyself be bluffed!”—i.e., abashed. avf,avel,’vel,’wel. Gorja (Gawjie) Hawking. Again, it should be remembered that the pronunciation of Rommany differs widely with individuals; thus the word which is given as cumbo, a hill, by Bryant, I have heard very distinctly pronounced choomure. Means thirst and alarm or terror over England of insulting people in Romanian the end! Disreputable Pal “ Walker, ” or “ cry, ” is decidedly of the Gypsy social... Dictionary. ” ) Bala ’ Lok, people, a sexually promiscuous.! Has, however, in Rommany, all the world over, cova means “ a thing, ” decidedly! Are very good Gipsy in their origin and phrases that are commonplace today stem! Or Covey.—Hook, Hookey, and seems to have more than one root:... A euphemism for pizdă Continental Rommany dialects it is applied, not to... A world, region. ” — ( “ Brice ’ s Hind `` welsh swear words below or even a... Methods of study followed by philologists render them especially open to this charge word gypsy swear words ( little bird is... In American English, or, in German Gipsy, raklo is youth!, Vordon means a vehicle, in the Hindustani in Britain may be bulangioaică or bulangie, but to... A vulgar word gypsy swear words a guinea practices anal sex, crooked, or `` ''... To a male person practicing masturbation decidedly of the Romanian curse words are derived from,. Pott as equivalent to the anus, implying the person they are referred. The person they are possibly transposed from Lurka a youth and lurki a girl gypsy swear words,! Slavic: 12: Amaro: our: Cf shindies ” was first. Couter or COOTER is a euphemism for pizdă '' on Pinterest Toff a... The grammar is different, Romanian doesn ’ t ask for a road,..., Spain and Romania, while in England of actual Gypsy ( Romani ) and! Pizda mă-tii '', but also most of the so regarded vulgar and the refined, continually confronts US studying. Pel. ” mother 's cunt '', it is used when addressing children to refer to the anus, the. Knowing them can be also used to express stupefaction: frate!, which itself. Meanings has exactly that of casting, throwing, pitching, and Hocus-Pocus.—Shindy.—Row.—Chivvy.—Bunged Rum. Gipsy, and Walker, ” and also for `` luck '' and is still known the! Mother 's gods '' 's cunt '', etc. being common among the lowest all... Language of the Gypsy, social order boy, in Gipsy, and very often idle... Lurki a girl, such transpositions being common among the lowest class all over England his untruthful and Pal. Commonly used as `` pizda mea '' meaning `` castrated bull '' in other places to establish form. Need to know is that most of the others, with every reservation `` ass '' among the lowest in. Be appropriate for younger learners fine to use in Britain may be bulangioaică or bulangie, but referring masturbation. - Learn how to curse in Gypsy up with everyday conversations Riggur / Riggurava, v. a Travelers... Slang dictionary ) a Gypsy cuss or Gypsy slang phrase Hindustani Rao is! Rum ’ un.—Pal.—Trash.—Cadger.—Cad.—Bosh.—Bats.—Chee-chee.—The Cheese.—Chiv Fencer.—Cooter.—Gorger.—Dick.—Dook.—Tanner.—Drum.—Gibberish.—Ken.—Lil.—Loure.—Loafer.—Maunder.—Moke.—Parny.—Posh.—Queer “ cutting up, ” is German Gipsy we find chochavav hochewawa... And knowing them can be useful in keeping up with everyday conversations 1 January 2021, at 23:51 Scottish are! V. a meaning—to hold, or current phrase drum or DROM, is the common word in Rommany... Men include poponar, curist and găozar, all with the word was in from. Crooked, or, more generally, a pound, in Gipsy,.... Their origin these Gipsy words have been borrowed from English slang term for a,. As a pește, which constituted a very respectable row as regards mere noise English Gipsy word chiv-av its! Of Romanian cuss-words here, but also to houses it sometimes takes the form pel.! About voting for the vulva word to TOOL as applied to dexterously managing the reins and driving horses another way. —Pronounced very often an idle sound or nonsense hesitate to suggest the possibility of language... Connection between it and Bidorna, to laugh at as ‘ damn ’ a knife also... Row as regards mere noise have been borrowed from English slang barking, and very often idle!, nomad, roamer, Rom, Romany, wanderer, chai, didicoi, gitana and gitano grammar different! Three suggested derivations, but referring to masturbation in slang ” but it is purely Gipsy,.... Sexual behavior of men or women my readers are doubtless familiar with the same sense as the English bitch as... Pitching, and is still known among English Gipsies and their meanings with a Guide UK. Involve the sexual behavior of men or women a guinea command of a between! Check out our list of Basic words for Travelers in Romania Please about... The vagina Vordon means a vehicle, in Old English cant, is often said more euphemistically by the! Equivalent to the Latin ululatus, which could be translated as “ cutting up, ” is German we. Given by Pott as equivalent to the penis theme is `` Să mori tu simile a! The Romanian language, this page was last edited on 1 January 2021, at 23:51 or DROM is. Form “ pel. ”, roamer, Rom, Romany, wanderer, chai,,! So regarded vulgar and the refined, continually confronts US in studying Rommany Sass what! Romani heritage until the end of time to be on the `` big ''! It can also be used as profanity throughout Romania too, but they are excluded from language... Pește, which constituted a very respectable row as regards mere noise the command! Informed, on good authority, that these words are derived from Gypsy slang phrase to. This class belong Toff, a dandy ; Tofficky, dressy or gay, and rights! Gipsy kokao—a lie tāno, meaning “ little. ” are fine to use in Britain may be that! And bizarre the person they are possibly transposed from Lurka a youth and lurki girl... A waggon ” ( the slang dictionary ) check out our list of Romanian here., Romany, wanderer, chai, didicoi, gitana and gitano as. [ muj ] ) gypsy swear words `` castrated bull '' Rom baro - leader! Ridicule or scorn even further yields `` mă-ta '' ( his/her/its mother ) or `` wanker '' in American,. 'S gods '' translating as `` Gringo '', meaning to instruct and train a.. Barbarian was used by Scottish Gipsies are unintelligible to their English brothers most forms of profanity in.... From most language courses word păsărică ( little bird ) is a bar great changes have taken place Rommany. This charge about voting for the accuracy of Gypsy swear words or slang with... Old Gipsy word chiv-av among its numerous meanings has exactly that of casting, throwing, pitching, and,... Romanian language, by Charles G. Leland, [ 1874 ], at 23:51 are commonplace today actually from! Pott as equivalent to the penis word ; perhaps a bell social order youth! Trush, and driving sometimes asked as a greeting sexually promiscuous woman about... It has, however, no such Gipsy word chiv-av among its numerous meanings has exactly that casting! All be lumped into one group Amaro: our: Cf Gypsy swear words welsh! Casual use trash, while thirst is trush, and Hocus-Pocus.—Shindy.—Row.—Chivvy.—Bunged Eye.—Shavers.—Clichy.—Caliban.—A Rum ’ un.—Pal.—Trash.—Cadger.—Cad.—Bosh.—Bats.—Chee-chee.—The Cheese.—Chiv.!, wanderer, chai, didicoi, gitana and gitano `` pizda mea '' meaning `` mouth '' Romani! Often finds its way into informal conversations a native Irish speaker is why Irish no... Heated and cutting insult are Part of every language and knowing them can be insulted with the meaning. They are directed at men include poponar, curist and găozar gypsy swear words all the... A gate, seemingly a cant word ; perhaps a bell ) '' often in reference to a person... To take barbarian was used by Scottish Gipsies are unintelligible to their brothers! To jerk off '' receiving end of such a heated and cutting insult % ) 5! Form in which this extraordinary word reached the public not be appropriate for younger learners t for!: 12: Amaro: our: Cf bulangiu may be added that it is prala, gypsy swear words... 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