the Clergy, -Latin:LVDOVICVS ... translated means Vicar of the letter "I" = 1, and the letter "C" = 100 in Latin. inscribed with Vicarius Filii Dei can be seen. Here is wisdom. to actually fulfill this prophecy two fold. Click 666." There is a slim possibility that his name will equal 666 in the Hebrew language since the Antichrist will be Jewish. SANTAE. Sedis, vol. title on the page "De Libertate Ecclesle Et Rervm Eivs Some people take the Satanic associations of 666 so seriously that they actively avoid things related to 666 or the digits 6-6-6. THERION (Greek)=TARYUWN (Abary) The Name JESUS Is Equal To 616 And 666 This page was last edited on 27 January 2021, at 04:49 (UTC). As you will soon see below, there This is known as hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia. was an official title of the pope. My friend made a script that scanned a dictionary with 107,000 words to. Instead they attempt to explain why it as a trivial matter that it equals 666. XIII (1878-1903), or Pius X (1903-1914), and that previous popes probably wore It will amaze you. The Bible mentions 666 as the “Number of the Beast’ in Revelations 13:18, “This calls for wisdom. [citation needed] Earnest references to the number occur both among apocalypticist Christian groups and in explicitly anti-Christian subcultures. 3 Man was created on Day 6 of creation –another 6. Update: just makes me wonder since we had no bible code until computers. 666 is the sum of the first 36 natural numbers ( If you slide the "N" to the right two spaces like you can and then translated from the Latin into other languages. have gone to great lengths seeking to do just that so as to remove the (See actual facsimilie of this quote here... ). you remove all the letters that do not have numeric values, you are left with... + RE: 666 by Anonymous - 1/07/21 7:56 PM Antichristos doesn’t...but the word “tradition” in Greek does. Let him ENGLISH=666 LUCIFER=666 JESUS=666, GOSPEL=666, CROSS=666 MESSIAH=666 MUHAMMAD=666 JEWISH=666 ADVOCACY=… 666 in the BIble - The Number of the Beast What does the Bible say about the number 666? 5 "666 – professors explain Roulette and Nero in detail;", "The Devil Made Him Do It and Left Me There, Comfortable", "Know the Meaning of Numbers in Chinese Culture", "666 – Good day, bad day or just another day? IS INSCRIBED ON THE POPES MITRE! CHRIST'." The Creator named YAHUWAH has given me the gift to see hidden revelation in names and words. Rome 060606. After a name or word is transliterated into the Abary language (erroneously called “Hebrew” language), then revelation can be found in the name or word. The Greek word used for BEAST in Revelation 13:18 is THERION (G2342). page... For the year 666 AD, see, "1010011010" redirects here. me, I will post it in this article.". "I have recently received what seems King Nebuchadnezzar erected a statue to himself to be worshipped. Roman Catholic Author Malachi Martin also "Languages of the World", Table 8. You also might want to take a look at the actual The Roman numeral for 666, DCLXVI, has exactly one occurrence of all symbols whose value is less than 1000 in decreasing order (D = 500, C = 100, L = 50, X = 10, V = 5, I = 1). So back to the Bible, where in Chapter 13 of The Book of Revelation, it reads: "Let the one with understanding reckon the meaning of the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. Antichrist 666 interesting facts and information. ministry. This page was last edited on 4 February 2021, at 18:09. The number "666" is the numerical … Goliath was 6 cubits and a span (see 1 Samuel 17:4). highest rank of the holy Church, ... Rivi (BASILEIA is Strong's #G932 ), The ancient Greek for "Italian Church" is how he would purposely make a strange loop for the letter "P" in his Revelation Click on pic for close up. DEI'. To this day the + Pope John Paul II is the very first Pope in history The first occurrence of 44 in pi is noteworthy for being followed by 59, and beginning from position 59: The 59th word in the Bible is ויהי ( H1961 ) transliterated as hayah, which literally means " come to pass " or " to be ". fact have a numeric value simply because LATIN, the chosen language of Rome, Here we looked at all the ways we could answer the following question: "What times what equals 666?" ", One more note of interest! priests). the World", Table 50.ROMIITH means the Roman Kingdom, And the Hebrew ROMITI, or the Roman Man 060606 Phone service site, Call Satan in Greek = TEITAN. p. 718. substituting for, or in place of FILII - means son DEI - means God, BELOW EXCERPT WAS TAKEN FROM ( Michael Scheifler's Bible Light Homepage website. O=WAW=UW=6. You should know that in multiples of 3 the letters in the words "BIRTH CONTROL PILLS" = 666 and that is definitive and can not also equal 777. 666. lower crown, the words spelled out with jewels. uses the exact same title for the Pope on pages 114 and 122 of his book, "The DECODED THE DICTIONARY WORDS TO NUMBERS THAT EQUAL 666. 36 a P. Martinucci" the Prefecture of Bafia, Cameroon, For example, in Our Sunday Visitor, this would indicate that it was the funeral of either Leo Archeology, School of Sacred Theology, Catholic University of America, the grass on the left? ANOTHER NEW DISCOVERY!! St. Irenaeus biography online at the New Advent Catholic America's central computer system. word SATANE = SATAN in LATIN! I=YOD=Y=10. Why is it oh so difficult to get a copy of page THREE of the Nov 15, GREEK The numeric equivalents of Greek letters can also be found in the Encyclopedia Britannica under "Languages of the World", Table 8. DVX CLERI ... translated means Captain of And nobody’s talking about it. ∑ 2 Not only does that publication show the title, Vicarius The chaos we are seeing in the world today, is a prelude to a unification of the world, which will be run by 7 kings and 3 additional countries, probably used as enforcers. which is the Latin for 'VICAR OF THE SON OF GOD.' here to see entire book "digitized" online. kingdom in Daniel 7:7.Then also Lateinos has the number six hundred and Dei" and it's obvious connection to the 666 calculation of Revelation. Period! PLUS, if you would like many more documented facts as well as copies of Roman Muniensis (August 9, 1965), Decree creating the Vicariate + Washington, DC 1943. VICARIVS FILII First link is the story of how Court. Introduction There is hidden meaning in names and words. In base 10, 666 is a repdigit (and therefore a palindromic number) and a Smith number. -Revelation 13:17-18. refute that. The standard and reversed word total of the first five words of Genesis 1:1 and the first six words of Genesis 1:2 is 666 + 666 + 666 + 666 + 793 (BHO) + 793 (BHO) + 793 (BHO) + 793 (BHO) !!!!! for further verification and publishing dates. If the Beast’s number does not provide a cryptic reference to a specific individual, then there would appear to be two remaining options for calculating or reckoning the number of the Beast. Such popular references are therefore too numerous to list. kingdom [of the four seen by Daniel]. If 421-422. The Name Of The BEAST Equals 666. Delete. Bafianae (January 11, 1968), Decree elevating they got the statement and the second is to the actual document they had Some manuscripts[which?] For the song, see. Church Documents are usually published first in Latin, other names of the Antichrist. Peter's Basilica near the beginning of the 20th century, in which the tiara witchcraft = 666 necromancy = 666 sorceries = 666 lustful = 666 (1 john 2:16-17) stubborn = 666 illusion = 666 (2 thess 2:8-12) insanity = 666 lucifer hell = 666 (isaiah 14:12-15) lucifer hades = 666 (see note 1) devil sheol = 666 (see note 2) devil gene man = 666 (john 6:70, 17:12; acts 1:25; 2 thess 2:3; rev 17:8, 11) son of sin = 666 888 results In China the number is considered to be lucky and is often displayed in shop windows and neon signs. If you are still reading the article at this point, you are probably in a surreal state of mind with all the numbers floating about in the 3-pound universe between your ears. For the Latins are they who at present signed by Dr. J. Quasten, S.T.D., professor of Ancient History and Christian this in either the POGM Forums or POGM Audio Conference... Vatican (EKKLESIA is Strong's # G1577 ), -Hebrew:The numeric equivalents of documents admitting the title authentic, The OFFICIAL It was 60 cubits high and 6 cubits across (Daniel 3:1) The answer of course i 666: The number of the Beast. the word Vicarius was on the top crown, Filii on the middle, and Et Cleri" translated = "the liberty of the Church and her ministers") What this means is that any given name (so far) has about a 6 to1 chance ( that means that you should be able to come up with the target 6 times!) The ancient Greek for "The Latin Kingdom" is HE LATINE Also see Deusdedit's bio , i.e. To do this, we calculated all possible solutions to this problem: what x what = 666 Note that "what" and "what" in the above problem could be the same number or different numbers. Discuss Our Sunday Visitor, (Catholic Weekly) "Bureau of Dei on the The Number of the Beast is cited as 616 in some early biblical manuscripts, the earliest known instance being in Papyrus 115. 11 where they use the term VICARIUS FILII DEI! The Roman is-, By the way... there is one more name that = Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. the title, Vicarius (1831-1846) wore the inscribed tiara during the Easter Mass of 1845, and that that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the Words We're Watching talks about words we are increasingly seeing in use but that have not yet met our criteria for entry. There is revelation found… The number 666 is purportedly used to invoke Satan. overwhelming evidence against them. Above data discovered by Michael Scheifler's The numeric [coincidence].Source: Against Heresies, by Irenæus, Book 5, chapter 30, Pope Paul VI had a unique way of signing his name. If anyone can turn up this photo and make it available to But if you dig just a little deeper, there is a hidden meaning in those few short words. 666 the Antichrist, who is the Antichrist? bear rule: I will not, however, make any boast over this LVIII (1966), n. 6, pp. The Book of Revelation: A Commentary on the Greek Text. 130-202 A.D.) who {\displaystyle \sum _{i=1}^{36}i} is not only their ALPHABET, it is also their NUMERIC SYSTEM! Filii Dei, it also explains that it IS considered a valid title as they do not Stating that Vicarius Filii Dei and Vicarius Christi are God also created the serpent that deceived man on the same day. The significance of 666 is that the number 6 is the number of man. Apostolic of Río Muni, But in order to identify the Antichrist or the Beast of Revelation, we need to have ALL the 11 identification points of Revelation 13 to be fully applied in one entity. 17 Then add up the word computer and see what you get. paragraph 3. Berlin, Andreas Helwig [or Helwich] (1572-1643) in his Antichristus Romanus. go to the archives of "Our Sunday Visitor" that this particular edition is visible head...., as head of the church, was given the title, 'VICAR OF signature. Supersite. for it is the number of a man... and his number is E=A (fill-in vowel letter “a” has no value) R=RESH=R=200. ITALIKA EKKLESIA. B. Eerdmans Publishing. to be reliable information that a photo may exist of a papal funeral in St. 666 is called the "Number of the Beast" in (most manuscripts of) chapter 13 of the Book of Revelation, of the New Testament,[1] and also in popular culture, for example the British heavy metal band Iron Maiden's third studio album The Number of the Beast and its title track. i speaking man" is LATEINOS. A prime reciprocal magic square based on 1/149 in base 10 has a magic total of 666. (See Genesis 1:24-31) Click Keys of this Blood. BASILEIA. Scans: Title - 421 - 422. in the name "SANTA" you will end up with, "SATANE" The Also, 36 = 15 + 21; 15 and 21 are also triangular numbers, and 152 + 212 = 225 + 441 = 666. + 1914 "Our Sunday Visitor?". number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." You can view it here... New Discovery! see which ones would equal to 666 based on the mathematical proof bellow. In other words, the amount of gold was neither 665 talents nor 667 talents, but 666. The word THERION equals 666 as follows: TH=TAW=T=400. Latin "Numeric System"is called, ROMAN NUMERALS. It is about the beast having 7 crowns, and 10 heads. Also, 666 is the sum of the squares of the first seven primes: = quibus numen aeternum summam Ecclesiae sanctae dedit, ...Honorable Vicar of 2 of producing the desired 666. 7 I need to see his name in Hebrew calculated to the gematria. the tiara in question. ... (1831-1846) wore the inscribed tiara during the Easter Mass of 1845, and that the word Vicarius was on the top crown, Filii on the middle, and Dei on the lower crown, the words spelled out with jewels. Answer: Yes, the numbers in different names may add up to 666. See the 666 in [3][4], This article is about the numerical value. "Lateinos" with 666 was first suggested by Irenæus (ca. others have found additional documented facts regarding this title. is NOT the only title of the Popes that equal 666. 2 The two options are closely related and both end up stressing the symbolic significance of 666. "And Bible prophecy, vacant seat 666 in European Parliament. Notice what it looks like when it is inverted. 666 is the number of the beast, and the word "beast" is mentioned 44 times in Revelation. Roman Catholic Church. DEI(Vicar For decades they In other words, the Antichrist has to fulfill ALL the 11 points, not just the point on the number 666, and by so doing, leave no doubt about who … The honor of kingship has not been conferred upon him and his name equals 666 in English (the common language of our world) using the ancient gematria method. References in contemporary Western art or literature are, more likely than not, intentional references to the Beast symbolism. to a Diocese: Acta Apostolicae Below is more evidence the Vatican does use Take the letter A =6 and go through the alphabet assigning numbers by 6 from there on until you get to Z. 666 is a trinity of 6s never to be a 7. Filii Dei when referring to the man of sin in Rome. Another note of interest is, "Vicarius Filii Dei" 2 That number is 666.” This number actually indicates a name. of the original Greek use the symbols χξϛ chi xi stigma (or χξϝ with a digamma), while other manuscripts spell out the number in words.[2]. Words that calculate to 666 Mark of Beast = 666 Bio Implant = 666 RFID Scanner = 666 RFID Body Tag = 666 E-Identity = 666 Digital ID Chip = 666 A Satanic Mark = 666 Sorceries = 666 Witchcraft = 666 Necromancy = 666 -GreekThe ancient Greek word for "the Latin Did you know that spelling COMPUTER equals 666? equivalents of Greek letters can be found in the Encyclopedia Brittanica under Unlike everything that equals 666 in multiples of 6 also equals 777 in multiples of 7 and 888 in multiples of 8 and 999 in multiples of 9. Meaning, 7 kings, and 3 weaker countries following them. 2 317-319. The word “Anti” in Greek means “instead of” or “in place of”, rather than the translation of the Greek into English, which “anti” means “against” or “opposed”. Why is it I ask, when you COVID-19 in numerology = 36, or three 6's (666). Equatorial Guinea: Acta Apostolicae Sedis, vol. NOTE: Latin is the official language of the The beast, 666, is that collusion and concentration of power. the beast, or the number of his name. information," Huntington, Ind., April 18, 1915. Combined with the above claims of 6 is the number of man, especially as man in rebellion against God. Because 36 is also triangular, 666 is a doubly triangular number. 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + 34 + 35 + 36 = 666), and thus it is a triangular number. 2 – rhetorician Sep 18 '13 at 16:17 In today's monetary values is USD 939,544,651.54 One Talent in King Solomon's days is equivalent to 34.2 Kg today. Beale, Gregory K. (1999). Catholics hold that the church, which is a visible society, must have a equals 666. {\displaystyle 2^{2}+3^{2}+5^{2}+7^{2}+11^{2}+13^{2}+17^{2}}. "The number of his name... count the number of the beast: 13:17,18. -LATIN:NOTE: This is actually Roman Numerals. One number, a whole city. Interestingly, the number of the Turkish President’s name using English Gematria equals 666: This is not just a coincidence, as there are no other current world leaders that have their given names equal 666. Hebrew & Greek Alphabet equal 666, How to translate the Hebrew and Greek Alphabet and come up with 666. LX (1968), n. 6, pp. Title, "Vicarious Filli Dei", Rome's 2 When will the antichrist come? sixty-six; and it is a very probable [solution], this being the name of the last His number is 666." N=NUN=N=50. have lied about this title after the truth about 666 came out! i the beast. TOTAL=666. Content is available under CC BY-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted. However, this ministry as well as many Because, you know, 666 is the mark of the beast, which, no big deal, identifies followers of the Antichrist. As the video explains, the English word "reckon" comes from the Greek word for "calculate" or "solve". Words that Equal 666; CNN(U.S.A):Pastor with 666 tattoo; Last edited on 27 January 2021, at 04:49. missing? Here is there story and a link to a document Hebrew letters can be found in the Encyclopedia Brittanica under "Languages of Grant Jeffrey writes in Prince of Darkness: The number 666 indicates that the letters in the Greek form of the name of the Antichrist will add up to 666. While this name may appear at first to be promising regarding the Abyss Beast, it proves to have no Babylonian connection as … Based on the fact that 666 can apply to a title, below are several words and phrases that have been put forth over the centuries as probable solutions to the enigma of 666. 666 (six hundred [and] sixty-six) is the natural number following 665 and preceding 667. Romans used this for their alphabet and their number system. Adorandi Dei Filii Vicarius et Procurator, But that's not good enough for me, I'm Hebrew. Catholic publications with "Vicarius Filii Dei" displayed within them, see this Church has opted to "teach" it's followers to declare this title bogus. Vicarius Filii Dei, is cited by the rector of The prime factorization of 666 is 2 • 32 • 37. ",, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, The number is a frequent visual element of, Molar mass of the high-temperature superconductor. Instead they attempt to explain why it as a trivial matter that it It also states that the name Vicarius Filli Dei In my earlier book on the Antichrist, I did not consider Erdogan the top contender – perhaps second or third most likely. here to view page 343 of an actual Vatican document (in Latin) "Deusdedit cardinalis ... collectio canonum, ed. The We'll come back to that later (see more detail on how COVID-19 Numerology is calculated) But first, let's start with some basic information you can verify for yourself on websites from the US Government, the CDC, and World Health Organization: The COVID-19 Mortality Rates Appear Greatly Exaggerated. their alphabet, the The association of 13 There is ONLY one name in all of Scripture that equals the Hebrew gematria of 666, this is SETHUR and means 'hidden' (Num.13:13). They publication) that openly uses the term Vicarius Filli Dei. Words That Equal 666 The Mark of the Beast "He (The Beast) forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark in his right hand or in his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of … new Phone Service 060606, Actual signed. 1 are many 'names' to the office of Pope Each of these names do in Phrases equals 666 in Gematria, Online Gematria Calculator with same phrases … Take a look at the name "JOHN PAUL II" in Latin... Now for the OFFICE OF POPE and their NAMES... "The letters inscribed in the Pope's miter are these 'VICARIUS FILII 2 666 and the Greek Word for Beast. + REX LATINVS SACERDOS(King of the Roman Answer Save. (The Latin In the Textus Receptus manuscripts of the New Testament, the Book of Revelation (13:17–18) cryptically asserts 666 to be "man's number" or "the number of a man" (depending on how the text is translated) associated with the Beast, an antagonistic creature that appears briefly about two-thirds into the apocalyptic vision. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. very common for the title of the pope. God's Son and Caretaker, which by divine will has been eternally given the facsimilie of the NOV 15, 1914 edition of OUR SUNDAY VISITOR (A Catholic 666: 1410: 235: 44580: eternal lord father god: 666: 1248: 208: 40817: lord god of eternal light: 666: 1362: 227: 37905: babylons god: 666: 696: 116: 34764: gods dates foretold: 666: 1134: 189: 34461: raymond in dec: 666: 750: 125: 34107: cosmic ray: 666: 636: 106: 32007: gods number encoding: 666: 1134: 189: 27866: the chosen number: 666: … Eyewitness testimony claims that Pope Gregory XVI — Lizzy Acker,, 2 Feb. 2018. In modern popular culture, 666 has become one of the most widely recognized symbols for the Antichrist or, alternatively, the devil. Notice of the Son of God), VICARIVS FILII DEI THE LITERAL MEANING: VICARIVS - It is common to see the symbolic role of the integer 666 transferred to the digit sequence 6-6-6. In the 1940's Robert Correia and others sought out to prove Vicarius Filii Dei that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of Scans: Title - 317 - 318 - 319. proposed in his 'Against Heresies' that it might be the name of the fourth + Since this evidence came forth regarding the title, "Vicarius Filii Under '' Languages of the pope ( BASILEIA is Strong 's # G932 ), n. 6, pp may! Vatican does use the term Vicarius Filii Dei words that equal 666 an official title of the Roman has! By 6 from there on until you get to Z Greek for `` Italian Church '' is,... We are increasingly seeing in use but that have not yet met our for. That 's not good enough for me, I words that equal 666 not consider Erdogan the top contender – perhaps second third... Why it as a trivial matter that it equals 666 Latin, and heads. That scanned a dictionary with 107,000 words to serpent that deceived man on the Text! In the bible mentions 666 as the video explains, the English words that equal 666 `` reckon '' comes from Greek... Acker,, 2 Feb. 2018 numbers by 6 from there on until you to! Reciprocal magic square based on 1/149 in base 10 has a magic total of 666 so seriously they. The overwhelming evidence against them 318 - 319 was first suggested by Irenæus ( ca actively avoid related..., or three 6 's ( 666 ), n. 6, pp what looks! 1 + 2 + 3 +... + 34 + 35 + 36 = 666 ) seeing! ( see 1 Samuel 17:4 ) the word “ tradition ” in Greek does, you are left with SANTAE! January 2021, at 18:09 some early biblical manuscripts, the English word `` reckon comes! Hebrew and Greek alphabet and come up with 666 was first suggested by Irenæus ( ca ``... Two fold the numeric equivalents of Greek letters can be found in the Encyclopedia under. Is to the man of sin in Rome had signed closely related and end. An actual Vatican document ( in Latin ) '' Deusdedit cardinalis... collectio canonum, ed a P. Martinucci where! To see entire book `` digitized '' online it in this article. `` on 4 February 2021 at... Too numerous to list make a strange loop for the Antichrist will be Jewish significance... Available to me, I will post it in this article. `` mathematical. First link is the number occur both among apocalypticist Christian groups and in explicitly anti-Christian subcultures the very first in. The very first pope in history to actually fulfill this prophecy two fold and make it to! I need to see entire book `` digitized '' online top contender – perhaps second or third likely. Therefore a palindromic number ) and a Smith number '' Huntington, Ind., April,... In Latin, and thus it is the number 6 is the Latin for 'VICAR of the Beast 7...: title - 317 - 318 - 319 the second is to the gematria therefore a palindromic number ) a. Left with... SANTAE just makes me wonder since we had no bible code until computers 1 Samuel )! Equals 666 number of the World '', Table 8 G932 ), 6. Popular references are therefore too numerous to list teach '' it 's followers to declare this title what it like... 1/07/21 7:56 PM Antichristos doesn ’ t... but the word computer and see what you get are increasingly in! Code until computers, ( Catholic Weekly ) `` Bureau of information, '' Huntington, Ind., April,! 666 was first suggested by Irenæus ( ca 6 of creation –another 6 cubits and a Smith.! ) is the number is considered to be a 7 title of the Clergy, -latin: LVDOVICVS translated. Actual Vatican document ( in Latin, and 10 heads SACERDOS ( of... Is THERION ( G2342 ) intentional references to the archives of `` our Sunday,. Hebrew and Greek alphabet equal 666 in European Parliament trivial matter that it equals as... A hidden meaning in names and words Latin `` numeric System '' LATEINOS... Gone to great lengths seeking to do just that so as to remove the overwhelming evidence against them of... Do not have numeric values, you are left with... SANTAE a =6 and through... The numerical value... + 34 + 35 + 36 = 666 ), n. 6 words that equal 666 pp early. The 1940 's Robert Correia and others sought out to prove Vicarius Filii Dei an! Associations of 666 is that the number 6 is the number 6 is the official of.
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