Will she cross over? Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. The application and impact of laws can vary widely based on the specific facts involved. Juli fand in Valencia (Spanien) das 5. http://www.amazon.com/Marcial-Pedophile-Psychopath-Founder-Benedict/dp/1475215797, http://www.amazon.com/Marcial-Maciel-Legionarios-testimonios-documentos/dp/9706991506/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1427427167&sr=8-1&keywords=Marcial+Maciel%2C+Legion+of+Christ%2C+testimonios+ineditos, reFOCUS: Recovering Former Cultists’ Support, Steven Alan Hassan’s Freedom of Mind Center on the Legion of Christ, Directory of Ex Consecrated Women of the RC, reFOCUS: Recovering Former Cultists’ Support, How I learned about Fr. There was some slight re-shuffling of certain superiors organized by the Vatican Delegate and the Legion superiors, but no disciplining or holding accountable for collusion with the corrupt founder during his more than sixty years at the head of the Legion. A nuestro humilde parecer como creyentes católicos sostenemos que tanto Benedicto como Francisco se quedan cortos y rehúyen de los interrogantes radicales y profundos acerca del fenómeno de la Legión de Cristo y del Regnum Christi. Mexican reporter Valentina Alazraki’s interview with Pope Francis brought up some of the old doubts about the Pope and the Vatican’s intervention of the Legion of Christ. A los que estamos cerca de las victimas del Padre Maciel y de los superiores legionarios nos da la impresión de que, como dicen los norteamericanos, “He just doesn’t get it.” No basta decir que el Padre Maciel fuera una persona “enferma” ni que fuera sólo un pederasta. Here is a link to the “Catholics Come Home” email blast letter; it can be found advertising in the bulletins of the wealthy parishes across the USA: But before you donate to these evangelizing (and sentimental) infomercials, there are double fraud alerts that you should know: 1) “Catholics Come Home” is a of. Regina Caeli: English and Latin. March 16, 2015 at 1:17 pm Edit What are the guidelines to use to evaluate whether or not a particular religious group may be considered “safe” in the sense that a leader or groups of leaders do not exploit or take advantage of its own members to serve some hidden agendas? Maciel’s Sexual Abuse of his Adolescent Seminarians, Dr. Michael Langone, Director of International Cultic Studies Association interviews Paul Lennon re his Legion of Christ Involvement. Moreover, Regina Caeli Academies toot their horns … i wonder if the Diocese profits from this endeavor or just the priest? Der Engel des Herrn wird dreimal am Tag, morgens um sechs, mittags um zwölf und abends um sechs, bzw. We offer pre-school through twelfth grade classes that meet twice a week. El «Angelus» se reza todo el año, excepto en el tiempo pascual.El «Regina cæli», desde el domingo de pascua hasta el mediodía del sábado de pentecostés inclusive. I’d BEWARE of people who repeat gossip that they find on the internet. I am a current family at Regina Caeli Academy and there are clearly some wrong facts here. Idler is clearly slander and should be removed. “Catholics Come Home” is fraudulent on several levels — the most obvious is the “come home” appeal is like a fox inviting the chickens into the den. Reply Perdí my Fe Católica a causa del Regnum Christi, Recruiting and Motivating: Two Regnum Christi Charisms inherited from Maciel, Files of the Times | Community | falloncountyextra.com - Fallon County Extra, Richard J. Murray Obituary - Guilderland, NY | Albany Times Union - Legacy.com, Jackie Lorraine Scott Phillips – Lee's Summit Tribune - lstribune, An Encouraging Word: One flock, one shepherd - Opinion - Sault Ste. How did she get in? Studies, University of Laval, Quebec. To confirm this notice how the words used in Vatican documents always used the term “renewal” and never “reform” of the Legion of Christ. Former Prefect of Discipline for Girls and Teacher of Religious Studies in “Godwin High School” Mexico City. Following is our summary of some of the things to look for based on the above article: The author concludes with a caution to watch out for legalism, a feeling of being report-carded, excessive monitoring of accountability, heavy handed authority or oligarchy (concentration of power with a small elite group). Jason is from Atlanta, GA where he attended Peachtree Elementary school and Pinecrest Academy, before joining the Legionaries’ Apostolic School in Center Harbor, NH, for high school.He began the novitiate in 1999 and made his first profession of vows in 2001 in Monterrey, Mexico. We continue to have a high level of concern regarding the freedom of mind and the independence of consecrated members and can offer several of our reasons as follows: In our opinion, neither the Legion nor Regnum Christi has ever existed primarily to serve God and humanity. He is one of several board members and this comments suggests otherwise and a nefarious relationship that is unsupported by fact and is clearly scandalous. Is there a healthy relationship with the parent organization, (e.g. Maciel’s death in 2008 at the age of 88, the Legion revealed that he had committed many sins/crimes and lived a double life. The application and impact of laws can vary widely based on the specific facts involved. He spent 2004-2006 obtaining his licentiate in moral theology from Regina Apostolorum University in Rome, Italy. It is difficult to understand why the Assistant Superior General, Fr. The leader called the group of fifty “trouble-makers”. 97 were here. Erflehe du, des Himmels Zierde, uns Gnade stets bei Jesus Christ. Es muy triste constatar que el Papa Francisco parece estar justificando a sus predecesores su falta de vigilancia y vigor en el caso Maciel y no reconocer que ellos también fueron víctimas de su engaño. Certain links in this site connect to other websites maintained by third parties over whom ReGAIN has no control. T, Der Internationale Theologen- und Pastoralkongress behandelte im Rahmen dieses Treffens wichtige Fragen zum Thema Familie. The issue is not so much how could Fr. Luis Garza, was removed from key posts and sent to Mexico. V/ Je vous salue, Marie, pleine de grâce. Estimado Editor, We are not affiliated with any order or apostolate. His primary role was not to investigate and reform the cultic methodology and structure. They treated outside critics as “evil detractors” and discredited them in various ways. Even though the server responded OK, it is possible the submission was not processed. article. In 2006, he moved to Canada to become the Vice-Rector of the novitiate in Cornwall, Ontario. Who are you to judge their intentions?? Il 6 maggio, Nancy Nohrden, Direttrice Generale della Società di Vita Apostolica delle Consacrate del Regnum Christi ha comunicato alle persone interessate la decisione, presa con il consenso del suo Consiglio, di riconfigurare il Territorio dell’Europa occidentale e centrale, nonché le delegazioni della Direzione Generale. Corcuera and Robles Gil -originally handpicked by Maciel to found the Regnum Christi youth section- to lead the renewal and the new Legion. These considerations lead to scary derivations: - The CT Mirror, Young women bring Christ to Kensington streets - CatholicPhilly.com, The biggest stories from Irving you might have missed in 2020 - The Dallas Morning News, The Dallas Morning News’ Photos of the Year 2020 - The Dallas Morning News, Our little rosary group goes global - INQUIRER.net, McAleese criticises Church's 'minimalist' safeguarding - The Tablet, Dans les yeux d'Olivier : mercredi 15 avril, 22h45, Un ordre religieux controversé a tenté de faire mentir une victime, La Légion du Christ s'intéresse enfin à ses anciens membres, Les Légionnaires du Christ toujours dans la tourmente, Les évêques mexicains demandent à la Légion du Christ d'indemniser des victimes, Freedom of Mind (Steven Hassan Cult Expert, El Trastevere – a Spanish blog that provides information and articles about the Legionareis of Christ, REgnum Christi and Marcial Maciel in Spain, International Cultic Studies Association (Study, Exiting and Recovery), Maria Goretti Network: for victims of physical, sexual, emotional, spiritual or mental abuse by clergy, Mary's Hope: Spiritual Healing for Abuse Survivors, Official Legionary Website: Regnum Christi, Official Legionary Website: The Legion of Christ, Steven Alan Hassan's Freedom of Mind Center on the Legion of Christ. Those of us who have been close to the (sexual, psychological, physical and spiritual) victims have the feeling that the Pope (and his predecessors) just don’t get it. Prep. First, The director of The scandal that nobody is mentioning is thousands times larger than anyone, even you, apparently, will even talk about. Google Regina Caeli Academy lawsuit, and see the allegations of many acts of financial indiscretion. The presentation will be held at the Franciscan Retreat Center, 7740 Deer Hill Grove, Colorado Springs, CO 80919. bonas … The Regina Caeli (English) Queen of Heaven, rejoice, alleluia. In der Osterzeit, vom Ostersonntag bis zum Pfingstmontag, betet man statt des Angelus das Regina RCA is not Regnum Christi. A comment has planted an evil thought in my twisted mind: To recruit the seminarians of an important American Catholic diocese for the Regnum Christi Movement? Anonymous complaints will be ignored. In the latest issue of ICSA Today, the International Cultic Studies Association has published an article about safe religious communities. f we are making a list of fronts, we might do another article in the future on the fraudulent missionaries. All image on this site have a license classified as "Labeled for Reuse", and are being used under that license. Here at least she would occasionally be “outside the community” for a few hours and maybe make contact with nuns, priests and lay people not associated with the RC. The abuses were carried out within a secretive, isolated and militaristic environment. (Religious Sciences) Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum, Rome. The number of written rules and the rigidity of following those rules have decreased. My family has needed a community for support and love and the families of our RCA campus have been nothing short of Christ like to our family in a very trying time. And the “package” gets paid well; Matthew Kelly makes between $20,000 and $50,000 per speaking engagement, and Christopher West has received a princely percentage of the Ascension Press (backed by Legionary money) which has advertised widely in Catholic parishes, publications and media. In Spanish, Fernando Gonzalez produced an in-depth study of the personality, history of Maciel and the Legion: http://www.amazon.com/Marcial-Maciel-Legionarios-testimonios-documentos/dp/9706991506/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1427427167&sr=8-1&keywords=Marcial+Maciel%2C+Legion+of+Christ%2C+testimonios+ineditos . If you are leaving the Legion or Regnum Christi and need help getting on your feet, ReGAIN can put you in contact with families who can and want to help you. Our primary concerns are based on what we believe to be the loss of free will and the excessive level of dependence required for the Legionary priests and the consecrated members of Regnum Christi. J. Paul Lennon has written the only English profile of the personality of the founder (Marcial Maciel, Pedophile, Psychopath and… http://www.amazon.com/Marcial-Pedophile-Psychopath-Founder-Benedict/dp/1475215797). • If the popes and Vatican department were misled regarding the authenticity of the Maciel/Legion charisma, could they have erroneously approved the order in 1948, thus putting papal infallibility in jeopardy? All image on this site have a license classified as "Labeled for Reuse", and are being used under that license. Continue reading →. Is there an environment where forgiveness is normally expected to be offered or are there ongoing grudges? Prier avec Regnum Christi. Our beautiful Feehan Memorial Library and McEssy Theological Resource Center offer students access to over 200,000 print volumes and a broad spectrum of electronic resources, and our vibrant Conference Center has accommodations for retreats, meetings or company outings.>, The University’s roster describes the Female Consecrated member of Regnum Christi’s (in RC jargon, 3gf) curriculum, B.A. In unsafe religious groups, instead of grace there exist “control, undue influence, harshness, legalism and other unhealthy maladies.” Such practices damage and injure people even though the groups and their leaders espouse theological orthodoxy. For the Lord has truly risen, alleluia. It is nothing but a way to get information on a new market of needy people and to channel these people and their resources to other covert LC/RC fronts within the parishes, which are usually wealthy. We are aware of the psychological, emotional and spiritual abuse many of them have suffered and the sexual abuse that some former members experienced when they were very young from the very founder of both organizations. Son las palabras latinas con que abre el himno pascual a la Santísima Virgen María que traducidas al español son “Reina del cielo”, es una composición litúrgica a manera de felicitación a María por la resurrección de su Hijo Jesucristo. Some important figures during the Maciel administration, his lackeys and hatchet men, were sent away from the USA -where they might be sued- and sent to “safer” places such as Ireland, Rome, Mexico and South America…De Paolis and the Legion superiors chose too Maciel clones, Frs. FRAUD ALERT! It's my duty to make judgments about people and organizations, whether they are good for my children's immortal souls. This writer expressed his opinion in a brief introduction to the interview’s Spanish language version. Although the Catholics Come Home organization does not do direct harm — any more than Matthew Kelly or Christopher West — all tend to have less-than-right intention; they are trying to persuade people to trust the package, the advertisement/storefront. ReGAIN makes no representations as to the accuracy or any other aspect of information contained in other websites. As a result of the leader’s manipulations, fifty of his group became damaged and hurting and they left the organization. Does your (former) Group Do It? Regarding essential elements of the religious denomination, are there clear distinctions made between primary, secondary and tertiary doctrinal priorities or do members feel that they are obliged to consider all of the group’s teachings as absolutely and equally essential? Traditional Latin Mass Schedule in Memphis Blessed Sacrament - Sundays 8:30 am, First Fridays 12pm noon, First Saturdays 9am 2564 Hale Avenue Memphis, TN 38112 901-452-1543 St. Michael's - (None at this time) 3863 Summer Avenue Memphis, TN 38122 If you have a concern about any posting or comment being factually incorrect, please contact us. Maciel was “a very ill person” a pedophile or a pan-sexual abuser; or that he was “an enigmatic figure” with “a life out of moral bounds,” as Benedict XVI described him in Light of the World. wise2, Tell us more. {{#message}}{{{message}}}{{/message}}{{^message}}Your submission failed. Mr. Damgaard provides an example of a pastor of a religious group who was a gifted speaker but was highly controlling and legalistic. • Could it be that three popes and their entourage were also deceived by the incredible con-man who portrayed himself as the founder of a new and healthy religious order? 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