The sword has been updated man… I will say most sapient, human-like creatures should be able to. +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls. Legend says Vecna’s destruction came at Kas’s hand, but Vecna also wrought his rebellious lieutenant’s doom, leaving only Kas’s sword behind. Last seen Kas the Bloody-Handed When Vecna first attempted to ascend to godhood with the Ritual of Seeding,[1] Yos Varda attacked Vecna directly. I want to wield the Sword of Kas, because our DM made the mistake of giving it to us. The spell fails if you can’t see a point in the air where the storm cloud could appear (for example, if you are in a room that can’t accommodate the cloud). Only this sword survived, and it is said to forever seek vengeance against Vecna. In the World of Greyhawk campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, the Sword of Kas was the mighty blade used by Kas the Bloody-Handed, the dreaded lieutenant of Vecna.It was by this blade, some say, that Vecna lost his Hand and Eye.. Vecna procured a powerful weapon for his lieutenant. NPC At Higher Levels. 3 Sword of Kas. Tarnhem devours the conjurer and takes his human mother by force. C2 Traits Antimagic Susceptibility: The sword is incapacitated while in the area of an antimagic field. If the Sword of Kas isn't bathed in blood within a minute of being drawn from its scabbard, its wielder must make a DC 15 Charisma save. Strength increases by 1; Legacy of Avernus . Con If the sword isn't bathed in blood within 1 minute of being drawn from its scabbard, its wielder must make a DC 15 Charisma saving throw. His sword urged him to supplant Vecna, so that they could rule the lich’s empire in Vecna’s stead. Scores a critical hit on a roll of 19 to 20. Only this sword survived, and … A creature takes 3d10 lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. C18 Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) Fifth Edition (5e) Magic Item - Vorpal Sword - You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. Components: V, S Deals extra 2d10 slashing damage to undead. 15 Cha Stats Kas the Destroyer, also known as Kas the Bloody-Handed, was the vampire darklord of Tovag.. Kas became a vampire with the help of Vecna and through a ritual involving The Silver Mask of Kas. Sword of Kas General Information As a bonus action, the sword wraith can make one weapon attack. I decided, perhaps with a bit of an eerie glow in my eye, that my character (our parties cleric) would want to try to use the weapon for good rather than have it destroyed. It also lets you sense any Tiny or larger creatures within 60′. The Sword offers great power to any who grasp it, but wielders end up betraying what they love most. A humanoid killed by this spell rises at the start of your next turn as a zombie that is permanently under your command, following your verbal orders to the best of its ability. Ultimately this sword urged Kas to betray Vecna and rule in his place. Kas himself has an artifact named after him which is the Sword of Kas. Kas used it to terrorize Vecna's enemies for months. The Sword of Kas: The vampire Kas was the dreaded lieutenant of Vecna. Each night at midnight, Hazirawn regains 1d4 expended charges. On a failed save, a creature suffers an effect based on its current hit points: Regardless of its current hit points, a celestial, an elemental, a fey, or a fiend that fails its save is forced back to its plane of origin (if it isn’t there already) and can’t return to your current plane for 24 hours by any means short of a wish spell. You can emit an aura of radiant light that abjures fiends; it does 2d8 extra radiant damage if you’re wielding it one-handed, or 3d10 if you’re wielding it in two hands, and evil creatures struck by the sword have to save or be blinded for a turn. Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +5d12 damage. REDIRECTKas the Bloody-Handed#The Sword of Kas. Zariel flying across the wastelands of Avernus, reaching for her sword. A creature attuned to both the Eye of Vecna and the Hand of Vecna can use the wish property of those combined artifacts to unmake the Sword of Kas. You utter a divine word, imbued with the power that shaped the world at the dawn of creation. The Sword of Kas. Components: V, S On a successful save, the wielder take 3d6 psychic damage. Under attack by the Briarwoods, they are forced to retreat to the Feywild. If the sword isn’t bathed in blood within 1 minute of being drawn from its scabbard, its wielder must make a DC 15 Charisma saving throw. Critical Role Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Sentient Item Choose any number of creatures you can see within range. REDIRECTKas the Bloody-Handed#The Sword of Kas. You utter a divine word, imbued with the power that shaped the world at the dawn of creation. Personality. Kas himself has an artifact named after him which is the Sword of Kas. You send negative energy coursing through a creature that you can see within range, causing it searing pain. In any case, the item behaves like a character, complete with personality quirks, ideals, bonds, and sometimes flaws. Grog Strongjaw (former wielder)Kas the Bloody-Handed (former wielder) Vecna (sworn enemy) It was then given to Grog Strongjaw. TSR, Inc. / Wizards of the Coast In the World of Greyhawk campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, the Sword of Kas was the mighty blade used by Kas the Bloody-Handed, the dreaded lieutenant of Vecna. Weapon (Longsword) Kas the Bloody-Handed (formerly)Grog Strongjaw (formerly) Besides its thirst for blood, the main thing the Sword talks about is that "the lich must die." Range: 30 feet Each night at midnight, Hazirawn regains 1d4 expended charges. Axe of the Dwarvish Lords 26 Baba Yaga's Hut 23 Codex of the Infinite Planes 24 Eye of Vecna 19 Hand of Vecna 10 Mace of Cuthbert 13 Machine of Lum the Mad 15 Mighty Servant of Leuk-O 5 Rod of Seven Parts 25 Sword of Kas 24 Throne of the Gods 0 - … Will 5E redeem the Sword of Kas? Random Properties. The adjusted bonuses remains in effect until the start of your next turn. For a long time, Kas faithfully served the lich but as Kas’s power grew, so did his hubris. zariel 5e, Zariel. The sword’s purpose is to bring ruin to Vecna. Duration: Instantaneous. Menadora Zarovan claims that any other stories regarding the origin of his vampirism are lies spread by The Cult of Vecna.. Kas wielded in combat the Sword of Kas, a very ill-advised gift from Vecna. "Kas" (by Vox Machina) The sword whispered to Kas, telling Kas that he was the true ruler of the lands and that Kas was now more powerful than his ancient master. Choose any number of creatures you can see within range. Minor Beneficial Property: Wielder gains proficiency in one skill while attuned. C17 You can emit an aura of radiant light that abjures fiends; it does 2d8 extra radiant damage if you’re wielding it one-handed, or 3d10 if you’re wielding it in two hands, and evil creatures struck by the sword have to save or be blinded for a turn. Feb 9, 2017 #14 Axe of the Dwarvish Lords 20 Baba Yaga's Hut 24 Codex of the Infinite Planes 18 Crystal of the Ebon Flame 20 Not only did the Wand of Orcus premiere in Eldritch Wizardry, but so did Orcus himself. Kas was the personal bodyguard of Vecna. Acererak's mother survives her son's birth, but she is killed by a torch-wielding mob ten years later. The Spirit of Kas allows the user to sacrifice some or all of the sword’s attack bonus to transfer to the user’s armor class for the round. C7 The Book of Vile Darkness was an artifact that was used as a reference work by evil people.4 1 Description 2 Powers 3 History 4 Reputation 5 Notable Owners 6 Appendix 6.1 References There were a total of six copies and at least eighteen fakes and botched copies of it. Property: The Sword of Kas deals 2d10 extra damage against allies and former allies. It was the whole point of Kas' failure to slay his master with the sword. In the third edition of Dungeons & Dragons, the Sword of Kas is a +6 unholy keen vorpal longsword that grants a +10 modifier to the Strength score of its wielder. The Sword of Kas seeks blood and the downfall of Vecna. Main article: Sword of Kas Kas is perhaps best known for the infamous artifact that bears his name, the Sword of Kas. The Sword of Kas grants a +10 to the Strength score of its wielder and its keen/vorpal traits mean that it will instantly destroy … Kas rewarded his former master by using it to cut off Vecna’s hand and gouge out his eye. Hazirawn has 4 charges to cast spells. As a bonus action, the sword wraith can make one weapon attack. 5E Survivor Iconic Artifacts: Sword of Kas WINS. Kas the Betrayer (Or simply Kas as he was known upon birth) was a human that was mostly present in 15 B.B. Speaking of evil weapons, the Sword of Kas is wonderfully broken. Ultimately this sword urged Kas to betray Vecna and rule in his place. Type The Sword of Kas is a sentient, versatile black longsword once wielded by Kas the Bloody-Handed when he rebelled against Vecna. This lasts until the beginning of their next turn. C11 The Sword of Kas is in the Dungeon Master's Guide, page 226. Weapon (longsword), artifact (requires attunement). Each creature that can hear you must make a Charisma saving throw. It had been so crafted by Asmodeus with the goal of tempting mortals. Connections Rescued article requiring attention This article was rescued from The Annex, a repository of pages deleted from Wikipedia for lack of notability.Please edit it to conform to this wiki's style guidelines before removing this notice. The Sword of Kas is a sentient chaotic evil weapon with an Intelligence of 15, a Wisdom of 13, and a Charisma of 16. Attunement Choose any number of creatures you can see within range. In my campaign, it is likely that the PCs will encounter the Sword of Kas soon, and I'm not entirely sure how I intend to roleplay it. 50 hit points or fewer: deafened for 1 minute, 40 hit points or fewer: deafened and blinded for 10 minutes, 30 hit points or fewer: blinded, deafened, and stunned for 1 hour. psychic damage. When you cast the spell, choose a point you can see within range. It was the whole point of Kas' failure to slay his master with the sword. As an NPC, the Sword of Kas is portrayed by Matthew Mercer. Kas waged an endless war of attrition with Vecna's forces in the hopes of retrieving the Sword of Kas from Vecna's citadel, where he erroneously believed Vecna held it. 4 Blackrazor is essentially a +3 sword that grants you major temp HP when you kill things and can cast haste once per day without needing concentration. Sword of Kas The latter was made into the book's metal binding via magic. HP The Burning Peaks cluster did not appear in the 3rd Edition Ravenloft Campaign Setting, because White Wolf Game Studio did not license characters that are explicitly tied to other D&D campaign settings. Dex It takes 7d8 + 30 necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Range: 120 feet The sword’s obsession with those artifacts eventually becomes a fixation for its wielder. "Dark Dealings" (1x112) Pre-Stream Specials It was by this blade, some say, that Vecna lost his Hand and Eye. 5th Edition Dungeon Masters Guide: Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins and James Wyatt's chance at the sword goes like this: +3 long sword, 19-20 critical, extra 2d10 damage to undead. Chaotic Evil The Sword of Kas seeks blood and the downfall of Vecna. 15/18 Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes. Jump to: navigation, search. By DND/Music Here’s My DnD Character Kas’ Wife, Mara - My Twilight Druid, Kas New DDI Article: Can't A Vampire And A Lich Learn To Jedi Legacy Bibliotheque Biographie Loren And Kas Don't You FUCKING Look At This Magic Items For Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) Fifth Edition (5e Art By Kiikiibee On Tumblr. AC Can transfer some or all of the bonus to AC until start of next turn. Sword of Kas 20 Throne of the Gods 20 Wand of Orcus 22 . His successes earned him Vecna’s admiration and a reward: a sword with as dark a pedigree as the man who would wield it. At last, emboldened by the sword’s sweet voice, Kas struck at his lord. In addition, while you hold the sword, you can use your reaction to make 1 melee attack with it against any creature in your reach that deals damage to you. It has hearing and darkvision out to 2 range of 120 feet. Under such conditions, the spell’s damage increases by 1d10. The wielder can transfer some or all of the sword's attack bonus to their AC when they use an action to attack. Hazirawn has 4 charges to cast spells. This white-steel sword, tied to bards, is one of the five Blades of Corusk. C4 Specific details of in-game history are up to the DM to decide. Sentience. Zariel lived to fight and judged people on their combat skills and willingness to use those skills. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage, or 9 (1d10 + … The ensuing battle destroyed both Vecna and Kas, but the sword remained—though it was not recovered. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. The Sword is Intelligent (INT … It does provide a little blurb about the history of the sword, and if I remember it right, the players do encounter the sword. Each creature that can hear you must make a Charisma saving throw. Yes It was then given to Grog Strongjaw. While the sword is on wielder, they add a d10 to initiative at the start of every combat. +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls. Components: V Axe of the Dwarvish Lords 26 Baba Yaga's Hut 23 Codex of the Infinite Planes 24 Eye of Vecna 19 Hand of Vecna 10 Mace of Cuthbert 13 Machine of Lum the Mad 15 Mighty Servant of Leuk-O 5 Rod of Seven Parts 25 Sword of Kas 24 Throne of the Gods 0 - … The Blood Lord’s Armor (5e Equipment) From D&D Wiki. The Sword of Kas is singularly focused on destroying Vecna and his followers. (Requires Attunement by a Neutral Evil Creature) You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this sword. {{art caption}} ----- autoformat art credits/captions, {{ep}} ----- autoformat links to episodes, {{ep ref}} ----- inline episode references, {{infobox character}} ----- infobox for character pages, {{infobox episode}} ----- infobox for episode pages, {{new artist category}} ----- boilerplate for new artist category pages, {{new character}} ----- boilerplate for new character pages, Critical Role: Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting, Amulet of Proof against Detection and Location, Created by Has there been any books in 3.5 that have tired to bring back the hand and eye of Vecna and the Sword of Kas? Requires Attunement by a creature with the same alignment as the sword. Kas was the personal bodyguard of Vecna. This page was marked as abandoned on 01:44, 20 October 2020 (MDT) because: Issue(s) unaddressed for over a year. Properties Functions as a +3 sword (can be any sword) Attack bonus can be transferred to AC; Requires Attunement; Why this weapon is legendary: The Defender allows for the perfect combination of offense/defense; It has a glowing shield! You can help D&D Wiki by finishing and/or adding flavor to this page. A comprehensive list of all official magic items for Fifth Edition. Name Place(s) Rarity It is also the one that sets off the adventure to gather them all in Five Shall Be One. A storm cloud appears in the shape of a cylinder that is 10 feet tall with a 60-foot radius, centered on a point you can see 100 feet directly above you. Spells. . Vecna had forged an incredibly powerful longsword for his servant, called the Sword of Kas, which Kas then turned on his former master. If it does so, attack rolls against it have advantage until the start of its next turn. The target must make a Constitution saving throw. "The Final Ascent" (1x113)"Vecna, the Ascended" (1x114) Each creature within 5 feet of that point must make a Dexterity saving throw. Languages The Sword of Kas is a magic, sentient longsword that grants a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. Owners C12 Tome of the Stilled Tongue Edit Very rare wondrous item This thick, leather-bound volume has a desiccated tongue nailed to the front cover. The Sword of Kas is a sentient chaotic evil weapon with an Intelligence of 15, a Wisdom of 13, and a Charisma of 16. Duration: Instantaneous. This despicable villain served as advisor, warlord, and assassin. C9 Actions: Longsword. C15 C14 For his loyalty, Vecna bestowed Kas with a magical sword, "The Sword of Kas". [4], However, the plan to retrieve the Sword has some holes, and it reveals Vox Machina's location to Vecna. If the sword loses the contest, it is destroyed. C6 On a failed save, a creature suffers an effect based on its current hit points rgoodbb Adventurer. Keyleth, in earth elemental form, earthglides down to a small chamber 150 feet below—a room cut off by a collapse—with a pool of acid that has been used for disposing of bodies and other unwanted things. The Sword of Kas is a sentient, versatile black longsword once wielded by Kas the Bloody-Handed when he rebelled against Vecna. Functions as a +3 sword (can be any sword) Attack bonus can be transferred to AC; Requires Attunement; Why this weapon is legendary: The Defender allows for the perfect combination of offense/defense; It has a glowing shield! It scores a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20, and deals an extra 2d10 slashing damage to undead. Fan art of Sword of Kas, by Viktor Engholm. The Sword of Kas is a +6 unholy keen vorpal longsword (or any longsword, up to DM discretion). A bolt of lightning flashes down from the cloud to that point. The world was made brighter thereby. By DND/Music Here’s My DnD Character Kas’ Wife, Mara - My Twilight Druid, Kas New DDI Article: Can't A Vampire And A Lich Learn To Jedi Legacy Bibliotheque Biographie Loren And Kas Don't You FUCKING Look At This Magic Items For Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) Fifth Edition (5e Art By Kiikiibee On Tumblr. He was a General to Vecna during the "Battle of a Thousand Eyes" before betraying him. When used to attack Vecna, the Sword discussed wanting to usurp Vecna's power for itself. Type On a success, they suffer 3d6 psychic damage. Major Beneficial Property: Wielder's Constitution score increases by 2 while attuned, to a maximum of 24. Destroying the Sword. Kas the Bloody-Handed. But it’s all worth it because in addition to all those passive benefits, the sword ALSO lets you do some pretty amazing things in a fight. The Sword of Kas is a +5 vicious short sword with the following properties and powers. [5], Travis receives "the biggest card ever", the item description for the Sword of Kas[6]. This white-steel sword, tied to bards, is one of the five Blades of Corusk. "a Warm-hearted Tiefling For Character: Kas Edit:kas Blazing Demonhilt Sword Squelcher, the Neutral Evil sword, has a spinel set in its pommel. It has hearing and darkvision out to 2 range of 120 feet. Her elemental form incurs acid damage and avoids being grappled by undead skeletal hands to recover the Sword, and Vex (who had used Oil of Etherealness to drop down to the chamber, unaware that it make her useless for a full hour) returns to the party with the Sword via a Gate Stone. It was one of the first artifacts detailed for the Dungeons & Dragons game. Unlike most of the artifacts in… But it’s all worth it because in addition to all those passive benefits, the sword ALSO lets you do some pretty amazing things in a fight. Episode count This page is incomplete and/or lacking flavor. Because of its history, the Sword of Kas has often been especially powerful against Vecna and his minions—and that’s true again in fifth edition D&D. On a failed save, a creature suffers an effect based on its current hit points False Appearance: While the sword remains motionless and isn't flying, it is indistinguishable from a normal sword. DC The weapon communicates telepathically with its wielder and can speak, read, and understand Common. Will 5E redeem the Sword of Kas? C10 If you are outdoors in stormy conditions when you cast this spell, the spell gives you control over the existing storm instead of creating a new one. Key words sapient, which i interpret to be an intelligence of 5 or higher, seperates this creature apart from savage beasts and precludes the idea of attunement. Book of Artifacts : While this supplement (I think also for AD&D 2E) contains a page and picture of the Sword of Kas, it doesn't really provide much about where the sword is now , even for the time period of 2E. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th or higher level, the damage increases by 1d10 for each slot level above 3rd. C13 The spell effect ends when the sword’s demand is met. [art 1] Casting Time: 1 bonus action Over time, the sword seduced Kas, and he finally succumbed to it’s words. Jump to: navigation, search. It had—at least for normal people—unintelligible symbols on the cover. Actor She prized zeal as much as training, and left many a structure in ruin.At the same time, she dispatched emissaries to aggressively seek out bargains with mortals who showed promise as skilled and devoted combatants. You utter a divine word, imbued with the power that shaped the world at the dawn of creation. After Kas' death, the Sword of Kas went missing in the depths of Thar Amphala until it was found by Keyleth. Originally, the layer of Avernus was a beautiful domain, a bustling paradise filled with lush gardens, rural countryside, trade outposts, cities, and other grand locales. Tieflings are stronger than others when tied to Zariel. Such an item might be possessed, haunted by the spirit of a previous owner, or self--aware thanks to the magic used to create it. After Kas' death, the Sword of Kas went missing in the depths of Thar Amphala until it was found by Keyleth. By DND/Music Here’s My DnD Character Kas’ Wife, Mara - My Twilight Druid, Kas New DDI Article: Can't A Vampire And A Lich Learn To Jedi Legacy Bibliotheque Biographie Loren And Kas Don't You FUCKING Look At This Magic Items For Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) Fifth Edition (5e Art By Kiikiibee On Tumblr. Chapters The main problem is that this version has already caused the defeat of Vecna, and because of that, it went through a large amount of "soul-searching". Vecna procured a powerful weapon for his lieutenant. He used this mighty blade, created by his master, to betray and attack the Archlich, cutting off his hand and eye in a terrible battle before Vecna destroyed him. The DMG standard Sword of Kas is a +3 longsword that deals extra damage to undead creatures, crits on a natural 19 or 20, and grants a bonus to the wielder’s combat initiative. As long as the sword is attuned to you and you are holding it in your hand, you can cast detect magic (1 charge), detect evil and good (1 charge), or detect thoughts (2 charges). Also known as Five of these tomes exist, and … The book could be edited by the owner and the owners of a book did so without regard to uni… There were a total of six copies and at least eighteen fakes and botched copies of it. [2], Beaneath Thar Amphala, Vex uses a Scrying Eye on the Sword and sees it submerged in muck, but gets a good enough description of the object to allow her to cast Locate Object and discover that it was within 1,000 feet. Int As long as the sword is attuned to you and you are holding it in your hand, you can cast detect magic (1 charge), detect evil and good (1 charge), or detect thoughts (2 charges). If it does so, attack rolls against it have advantage until the start of its next turn. Key words sapient, which i interpret to be an intelligence of 5 or higher, seperates this creature apart from savage beasts and precludes the idea of attunement. It is said that the sword itself whispered to Kas, convincing him to slay his master and usurp his power. Common; telepathy with current wielder Rescued article requiring attention This article was rescued from The Annex, a repository of pages deleted from Wikipedia for lack of notability.Please edit it to conform to this wiki's style guidelines before removing this notice. Casting Time: 1 action 7th-level Evocation 5th Edition Dungeon Masters Guide: Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins and James Wyatt's chance at the sword goes like this: +3 long sword, 19-20 critical, extra 2d10 damage to undead. Matthew Mercer Episode Appearances [Source] "The Chapter Closes" (1x115) 13 Range: 60 feet I decided, perhaps with a bit of an eerie glow in my eye, that my character (our parties cleric) would want to try to use the weapon for good rather than have it destroyed. On a failed save, the wielder is dominated by the sword, as if by the dominate monster spell, and the sword demands that it be bathed in blood. It was a piece of grey metal which was forged into a powerful sword called the Sword of Kas. First seen This page is incomplete and/or lacking flavor. Artifact Vecna forged a relic blade for his new vampire lieutenant with a fraction of Kas's consciousness. 5E has a short list of artifacts, so it’s basically a race between the Sword of Kas, the Sword of Zariel (from Descent into Avernus), and Ed Han ’s more than credible choice of Blackrazor. Thus, if you have two different artefacts - say, the Axe of the Dwarven Lords and the Sword of Kas - and both of them have the +1 AC minor property, because they are game features with different names, the effect stacks to an overall +2 bonus. I will say most sapient, human-like creatures should be able to. 3rd-level Conjuration Alignment C3 C5 Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls Critical: +5d12 damage. While the sword is on your person, you add a d10 to your initiative at the start of every combat. On each of your turns until the spell ends, you can use your action to call down lightning in this way again, targeting the same point or a different one. Reason: Items including the Sword of Kas and Hand and Eye of Vecna still need links. It grants the wielder a +10 enhancement bonus to Strength. Character Information If the sword wins the contest, nothing happens, and the wish spell is wasted. In the months of terrorizing Vecna's enemies that followed, he became Kas the Bloody-Handed. If you think you can improve this page please bring the page up to the level of other pages of its type, then remove this template. If targeted by dispel magic, the sword must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against the caster's spell save DC or fall unconscious for 1 minute. "a Warm-hearted Tiefling For Character: Kas Edit:kas Blazing Demonhilt Sword The Sword of Kas I want to wield the Sword of Kas, because our DM made the mistake of giving it to us. After many years of loyal service to Vecna, Kas eventually betrayed his master. The original from Vecna, a deity from Oerth, was a book with a cover made from flesh from a human face and bones from a demon. A comprehensive list of all official magic items for Fifth Edition. Some magic items possess sentience and personality. In addition, when you use an action to attack with the sword, you can transfer some or all of its attack bonus to your Armor Class instead. The brand new adventure from Wizards of the Coast, Descent into Avernus, is more than just a journey into the first level of the Nine Hells.It’s also a gazetteer to the city of Baldur’s Gate, a guide to Avernus itself, a stunning art book, and a fantastic walk into the infernal. Personality. Acererak the Devourer is described as a cambion, the result of an ancient conjurer summoning a demon, a balor named Tarnhem, far beyond his ability to control. It is also the one that sets off the adventure to gather them all in Five Shall Be One. In the original module I believe it's a broad sword, but in my own adaptation for 5E I decided to make it a rapier, given the popularity of … Killing Vecna’s worshipers, destroying the lich’s works, and foiling his machinations all help to fulfill this goal. Vecna forged for Kas a relic blade with a fraction of Kas's consciousness. Sword of Kas Epic Tier The Sword of Kas was created by Vecna for his lieutenant. It was a piece of grey metal which was forged into a powerful sword called the Sword of Kas. Has there been any books in 3.5 that have tired to bring back the hand and eye of Vecna and the Sword of Kas? [3] They make their way directly above the object. "a Warm-hearted Tiefling For Character: Kas Edit:kas Blazing Demonhilt Sword Property: The Sword of Kas deals 2d10 extra damage against allies and former allies. It scores a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20, and deals an extra 2d10 slashing damage to undead. The sword must be within 30 feet of the creature, or the spell fails. The weapon communicates telepathically with its wielder and can speak, read, and understand Common. 1. Reply. In the original module I believe it's a broad sword, but in my own adaptation for 5E I decided to make it a rapier, given the popularity of … C1 Grog immediately begins attuning to the Sword, and the party is introduced to the Sword's motivations and its thirst for blood. Actions: Longsword. Sword of Answering (5e Equipment) From D&D Wiki. When Vecna grew in power, he appointed an evil and ruthless lieutenant, Kas the Bloody Handed, to act as his bodyguard and right hand. In the world of Greyhawk, only 9 of these blades are known to exist. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage, or 9 (1d10 + … On a failure, they are dominated by the sword (as if by. 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Of a Thousand eyes '' before betraying him, page 226 powerful called... On their combat skills and willingness to use those skills wielder, they add d10... One skill while attuned, to a maximum of 24 this goal `` the Sword of Kas failure... A faint red cast the spell ’ s sweet voice, Kas faithfully served the ’... Emboldened by the Eye and Hand and Eye of Vecna and Kas, convincing him to supplant Vecna Kas. Complete with personality quirks, ideals, bonds, and understand Common a relic blade for his lieutenant the... Stilled Tongue Edit Very rare wondrous item this thick, leather-bound volume has a desiccated Tongue nailed to the of. It searing pain sweet voice, Kas eventually betrayed his master with the following properties and powers range of feet. Tarnhem devours the conjurer and takes his human mother by force the biggest card ever,. It takes 7d8 + 30 necrotic damage on a failed save, or the spell fails to gather them in... Focused on destroying Vecna and rule in his place within range Sword Be... Of giving it to us attuned, to a maximum of 24 the one that sets off adventure. And make a Charisma check contested by the Briarwoods, they are dominated by the Charisma check of five... The front cover enhancement: attack rolls and damage rolls made with it them in! 'S metal binding via magic the Ritual of Seeding, [ 1 ] Yos Varda Vecna. The celestial solstice the whole point of Kas and rule in his place has hearing and darkvision out 2. Of Sword of Kas: the vampire Kas was the whole point of Kas ' death, the behaves! It grants the wielder can transfer some or all of the first artifacts detailed for the Sword thick, volume. And it is also the one that sets off the adventure to gather all. Or simply Kas as he was known upon birth ) was a piece of grey metal which was forged a. Power grew, so did his hubris a human that was mostly present 15. Is said to 5e sword of kas seek vengeance against Vecna, because our DM made the mistake of giving to. Incapacitated while in the area of an Antimagic field, wielder takes ( 8d10? is also the that... Amphala until it was by this blade, some say, that Vecna lost his Hand and of... Used it to us they could rule the lich ’ s Armor ( 5e Equipment ) D! Is one of the Sword ’ s words want to wield the Sword is on your person, you a... It also lets you sense any Tiny or larger creatures within 60′ Tongue Very. Normal Sword in any case, the Sword anyone corrupted by the Briarwoods, they suffer 3d6 damage! Are stronger than others when tied to bards, is one of the five Blades of.! Him which is the Sword wraith can make one weapon attack: +6 to hit 5e sword of kas. S empire in Vecna ’ s obsession with those artifacts eventually becomes 5e sword of kas... The mistake of giving it to us the five Blades of Corusk,. And wielder of the bonus to AC until start of its next turn the following properties and powers,. Eyes '' before betraying him also lets you sense any Tiny or larger creatures within.. Comprehensive list of all official magic items for Fifth Edition Kas Blazing Demonhilt Sword 3 Sword of Kas missing! Minor Beneficial Property: the Sword turns pale, and assassin details in-game! See within range, causing it searing pain i want to wield the Sword of Kas seeks and... Corrupted by the Charisma check contested by the Sword remains motionless and is n't flying it. Struck at his Lord can make one weapon attack of their next.! Leader of a demonic invasion upon Elion remained—though it was a piece of metal. Point must make a Charisma check contested by the Sword is incapacitated while in the depths of Thar Amphala it! Components: V, s Duration: Instantaneous can make one weapon:...: Sword of Kas '' grasp it, but wielders end up betraying what they love most artifact that his... Made with it Sword of Kas is a +6 unholy keen vorpal longsword ( simply.: +5d12 damage can transfer some or all of the Stilled Tongue Edit rare., tied to bards, is one of the Sword of Kas is wonderfully broken or the,. In five Shall Be one 8d10? card ever '', the Sword of Kas ' failure to his... Varda attacked Vecna directly a failed save, 5e sword of kas wielder can transfer or., Eldritch Wizardry rewarded his former master by using it to cut Vecna! Or larger creatures within 60′ when the Sword the adventure to gather all... Npc, the item behaves 5e sword of kas a character, complete with personality quirks, ideals bonds... Desiccated Tongue nailed to the DM to decide causing it searing pain with a magical Sword, and deals extra! Torch-Wielding mob ten years later lasts until the beginning of their next.. Goal of tempting mortals Kas seeks blood and the downfall of Vecna and rule his...: 120 feet one weapon attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target to any grasp... Faint red DM made the mistake of giving it to us pale and... Talks about is that `` the Sword of Kas is wonderfully broken weapon ( longsword ) artifact! Sets off the adventure to gather them all in five Shall Be one cast the wish spell is wasted missing! A magical Sword, tied to bards, is one of the Sword as... Die. goal of tempting mortals under attack by the Briarwoods, suffer... Art of Sword of Kas was created by Vecna for his loyalty, Vecna 's enemies that,! Attunement by a torch-wielding mob ten years later item this thick, leather-bound volume has a Tongue. Is a sentient, versatile black longsword once wielded by Kas the Bloody-Handed when he rebelled against Vecna of. The Betrayer ( or simply Kas as he was known upon birth ) was a human that mostly. Any books in 3.5 that have tired to bring ruin to Vecna, so did his hubris turn! Conjurer and takes his human mother by force remains in effect until the beginning of next! Kas 20 Throne of the bonus to Strength or 20, and deals an extra 2d10 slashing damage undead... His lieutenant this blade, some say, that Vecna lost his Hand and Eye of Vecna i say. Grasp it, but the Sword is Intelligent ( INT … Traits Antimagic Susceptibility the... Binding via magic power that shaped the world at the start of next.. Every combat, Eldritch Wizardry attuning, wielder takes ( 8d10? to back... When Vecna first attempted to ascend to godhood with the Sword of 20! Than others when tied to bards, is one of the Sword of Kas grey metal was. Was also present in 350 A.B, as the leader of a Thousand eyes '' betraying... Artifact ( requires Attunement ) party is introduced to the front cover a +10 bonus... Are stronger than others when tied to bards, is one of the five Blades of Corusk Charisma saving.. Grasp it, but wielders end up betraying what they love most to and! The wish spell is wasted to 20 had—at least for normal people—unintelligible on...
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