E. Molecular evolution in the Streptophyta and the origin of land plants. 65: 1-11. The chloroplast genomes of the green algae Pedinomonas minor, Parachlorella kessleri, and Oocystis solitatia reveal a shared ancestry between the Pedinomonadales and Chlorellales. Acetabularia, along with other giant-celled green algae (Valonia, Chara and Nitella), has also served as an experimental organism for electro-physiological research and studies of cell morphogenesis (Menzel, 1994; Mandoli, 1998; Shepherd et al., 2004; Bisson et al., 2006; Mine et al., 2008). and Arctander, P. 1995. This interpretation is congruent with a CCW flagellar root system in the Chlorodendrophyceae. Wodniok, S., Brinkmann, H., Glockner, G., Heidel, A., Philippe, H., Melkonian, M. and Becker, B. Plant Physiol. Leliaert, F., Rueness, J., Boedeker, C., Maggs, C. A., Cocquyt, E., Verbruggen, H. and De Clerck, O. 44: 1237-1256. Molecular evidence for a diverse green algal community growing in the hair of sloths and a specific association with Trichophilus welckeri (Chlorophyta, Ulvophyceae). 38: 1200-1212. Blackman, F. 1900. The Chaetophorales of about 10 genera include unbranched (e.g., Uronema) or branched (e.g., Chaetophora, Stigeoclonium) filaments that produce quadriflagellate zoospores. Bakker, F. T., Olsen, J. L., Stam, W. T. and Van den Hoek, C. 1994. J. Bot. Such innovations have most likely had selective advantages and contribute to the ecological dominance of siphonous algae in tropical and warm-temperate coastal ecosystems (Vroom & Smith, 2001). 44: 1221-1234. Mol. Lewis, L. A. and Muller-Parker, G. 2004. Res. 37: 819-835. Several studies have indicated horizontal transfers of genetic information from green algae to other eukaryotes or vice versa (Bhattacharya et al., 1996; Friedl et al., 2000; Cocquyt et al., 2009; Ghoshroy et al., 2010). Trans. endotransglucosylase, responsible for cell wall loosening and cell expansion) (Van Sandt et al., 2007; Eder et al., 2008; Fry et al., 2008). Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. 69: 447-454. 2009. Pombert, J. F., Otis, C., Lemieux, C. and Turmel, M. 2005. Berger, S. and Kaever, M. J. The Ulvophyceae was originally defined based on a suite of ultrastructural characteristics, including a CCW orientation of the flagellar root system, cytokinesis by furrowing, a closed persistent spindle and the absence of a phycoplast (Mattox & Stewart, 1984; O’Kelly & Floyd, 1984b; O’Kelly & Floyd, 1984a; Sluiman, 1989). Rates of synonymous substitution in plant nuclear genes. 1200 mya) (Tappan, 1980; Knoll, 2003). Biol. Cocquyt, E. 2009. Butterfield, N. J., Knoll, A. H. and Swett, K. 1994. Bull. Sweeney, B. M. 1976. Kew Bull. Curr. Electron microscopy of sexual reproduction in Nephroselmis olivacea (Prasinophyceae, Chlorophyta). 19: 24-38. Origins and affinities of the filamentous green algal orders Chaetophorales and Oedogoniales based on 18S rRNA gene sequences. 2005. Science 318: 245-251. 54: 936-947. Flagellar apparatus ultrastructure in Mesostigma viride (Prasinophyceae). Sudman, M. S. 1974. Cell cycle analysis in a multinucleate green alga, Boergesenia forbesii (Siphonocladales, Chlorophyta). 318-327. GC-rich molecule with hairpin-loop telomeres. Similarly, the presence of genes related to green algal sequences in trypanosomatid parasites (kinetoplastids) has been explained by EGT of an ancient green algal endosymbiont (Hannaert et al., 2003), but these data are open to interpretation and scenarios of ancient cryptic secondary endosymbioses in the chromalveolates and other eukaryotes have been questioned (Dagan & Martin, 2009b; Elias & Archibald, 2009; Stiller et al., 2009; Sun et al., 2010). Pröschold, T., Surek, B., Marin, B. and Melkonian, M. 2002. Vincent, in Encyclopedia of Inland Waters, 2009 Cyanobacteria (also called blue-green algae) are an ancient group of photosynthetic microbes that occur in most inland waters and that can have major effects on the water quality and functioning of aquatic ecosystems. Elias, M. and Neustupa, J. Their small cellular and genome sizes have led to the hypothesis that they may represent the âbare limitsâ of life as a free-living photosynthetic eukaryote, presumably having disposed of redundancies and presenting a simple organization. Gene 410: 26-36. Macroalgal blooms on southeast Florida coral reefs I. Nutrient stoichiometry of the invasive green alga Codium isthmocladum in the wider Caribbean indicates nutrient enrichment. J. Bot. 56: 202-215. Proc. Flagellar, cellular and organismal polarity in Volvox carteri. J. Ziemann, M., Bhave, M. and Zachgo, S. 2009. The fourth type is better known as siphonous type and is characterized by plants consisting of a single giant tubular cell. Plant Mol. The deepest divergences in land plants inferred from phylogenomic evidence. Evol. 52: 273-283. Eds., CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, Boca Raton. Natl. Sequences belonging to the Picocystis clade (prasinophyte clade VII) correspond to strains originally isolated from open oceanic areas but are also encountered in clone libraries originating from coastal regions (Shi et al., 2009). Green algae are important from the evolutionary point mainly because it is believed that land plants evolved from them. Morphogenesis in giant-celled algae. In a broad sense, the organelle genomic architectures of green algae differ from those of land plants (Table 2). The thallus surface of several species is calcified, and some are important contributors to coral reef structure. J. Phycol. J. Mol. Unparalleled GC content in the plastid DNA of Selaginella. Mitochondrial genome of the colorless green alga Polytomella parva: Two linear DNA molecules with homologous inverted repeat termini. Six, C., Sherrard, R., Lionard, M., Roy, S. and Campbell, D. A. Furthermore, with few exceptions, we know nothing about the genetic basis of most traits in any of the ~50 volvocine species other than V. carteri and C. reinhardtii. Genome Biol. Rev. 271-291. Cite as: Leliaert F, Smith DR, Moreau H, Herron MD, Verbruggen H, Delwiche CF & De Clerck O (2012) Phylogeny and molecular evolution of the green algae. nova and Echinocoleum elegans (Oocystaceae, Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta). Oren, A. A. Microalgae as a raw material for biofuels production. The complete mitochondrial DNA sequence of Mesostigma viride identifies this green alga as the earliest green plant divergence and predicts a highly compact mitochondrial genome in the ancestor of all green plants. The evolution of siphonocladous and siphonous architectures coincided with several cytological and cytoskeletal specializations such as unique mechanisms of wounding response (Menzel, 1988; La Claire, 1992; Kim et al., 2001; Mine et al., 2008). Rogers, M. B., Gilson, P. R., Su, V., McFadden, G. I. and Keeling, P. J. U.S.A. 100: 1067-1071. Blackman (1900) has derived three lines of evolution in algae. Nature 462: 518-U215. That is, virus-infected algae have a different complement of membrane-associated ACRs than un-infected cells, which could lead to differences in swimming behaviour . 2009. The available green algal ptDNAs contain anywhere from around 55-135 genes, typically representing 3 rRNAs (rrnS, rrnL, and rrnF), 25-35 tRNAs, and approximately 25-100 proteins, which are involved in processes such as photosynthesis, metabolism, transcription, and translation. 13: 978-989. 52: 363-406. Proc. Evol. Large Popper, Z. Org. The subsequent diversification of this primary plastid-containing eukaryote gave rise to the green lineage, as well as the red algae and the glaucophytes. Ecological niche partitioning in the picoplanktonic green alga Micromonas pusilla: evidence from environmental surveys using phylogenetic probes. John, D. M., Whitton, B. Phylogenet. Conversely, all of the characterized green algal mitochondrial genomes from outside this clade map in genome assemblies and/or gel electrophoresis studies as unit-sized circular chromosomes save for the mtDNAs of some Lobochlamys taxa, which may be linear fragmented (Borza et al., 2009). A first section summarizes our current understanding of chloroplast and mitochondrial genome evolution in green algae. J. Phycol. 26: 689-699. Sexual reproduction is oogamous with motile sperm produced in complex antheridia. Analyses of 18S datasets have supported the circumscription of traditional orders based on cytomorphological characteristics but could not resolve the relationships among them (Chappell et al., 1991; López-Bautista & Chapman, 2003; Watanabe & Nakayama, 2007; Leliaert et al., 2009a). Rev. Opin. Biol. W.F. Genet. These unicells were traditionally regarded as members of the Prasinophyceae but they share several features with the UTC clades, including closed mitosis and a phycoplast (Mattox & Stewart, 1984). D (Biol.) Melkonian, M. 1984. J. Mol. Curr. Oogonia and antheridia are surrounded by sterile cells, and zygotes develop a thick covering of sporopollenin. Mitochondrial genome conformation among CW-group chlorophycean algae. R. Soc. Malek, O., Lattig, K., Hiesel, R., Brennicke, A. and Knoop, V. 1996. 2001. Green algal evolution: insights from genes and genomes 51: 759-765. 45: 189-196. Nakayama, T., Suda, S., Kawachi, M. and Inouye, I. Unearthing the molecular phylodiversity of desert soil green algae (Chlorophyta). Acad. Some green algal groups, i.e., Trentepohliales, are exclusively terrestrial and never found in aquatic environments (López-Bautista et al., 2006). Studies of the green alga Percursaria dawsonii (=Blidingia dawsonii comb. Ferris, P. J. and Goodenough, U. W. 1994. Phylogenies based on the 18S rDNA showed that Micromonas and Ostreococcus are divided in several clades (Guillou et al., 2004) corresponding to different ecotypes and probably different species (see below) (Rodriguez et al., 2005; Å lapeta et al., 2006). Acad. 2005. 31: 632-639. Protozoa and Other Protists. Some algae have a soâcalled âobligateâalternation between sporeâproducing and gameteâproducing phases, but the majority seem capable of following other pathways depending upon environmental conditions. As noted above, Karol et al. ‘Roots’ in mixotrophic algae. Early hypotheses of green algal phylogeny were based on the concept that evolution follows trends in levels of morphological complexity (Fritsch, 1935; Fott, 1971). Melkonian, M. 1990b. An ultrastructural survey and classification. Cell evolution and earth history: stasis and revolution. 57: 147-151. Händeler, K., Grzymbowski, Y. P., Krug, P. J. and Wägele, H. 2009. Current hypotheses posit the early divergence of two discrete clades from an ancestral green flagellate. & Dalhberg, A. E. Dunaliella biotechnology: methods and applications. Nowack, E. C. M. and Melkonian, M. 2010. The genus-level systematics of the core chlorophytes has been profoundly misled by convergent evolution toward reduced morphologies like unicells or simple filaments, and many genera defined on these features have been shown to be polyphyletic (Lewis & McCourt, 2004). nov., a nonmotile picoplanktonic alga (Chlorophyta, Prasinophyceae) from the Mediterranean and Atlantic. (2008; 2011) and Mikhailyuk et al. These estimates are sensitive to differences in methodology and interpretation of fossils and tend to yield older dates than are well supported by the fossil record. 6: 2. The int and dpoB genes, which are located in the ptDNA inverted repeats of O. cardiacum, and putatively code for a tyrosine recombinase and a DNA-directed DNA polymerase, are believed to have been obtained laterally, possibly from the mitochondrial plasmid of a fungus (Brouard et al., 2008). The charophyte Mougeotia played a key role in outlining the role of phytochrome in plant development (Winands & Wagner, 1996). Protist 156: 181-190. Trans. Current phylogenetic hypotheses provide an evolutionary framework for molecular evolutionary studies and comparative genomics. U.S.A. 102: 2436-2441. J. Phycol. The diversity and phylogenetic relationships within the lineage have been studied with nuclear rDNA and chloroplast rbcL sequence data (Denboh et al., 2001; Drummond et al., 2005; Gontcharov & Melkonian, 2005; Kim et al., 2006; Gontcharov & Melkonian, 2008; Hall et al., 2008a; Hall et al., 2008b; Gontcharov & Melkonian, 2010; Gontcharov & Melkonian, 2011). Whether the nucleotide bias is towards A and T or G and C, it is usually expressed most strongly within green algal organelle DNAs at what are considered to be among the more neutrally evolving sites in a genome (i.e., intergenic and intronic positions and the synonymous sites of protein-coding DNA), implying that the forces driving green algal organelle nucleotide landscape are nonadaptive (Smith & Lee, 2008; Borza et al., 2009). BMC Evol. Robbens, S., Petersen, J., Brinkmann, H., Rouzé, P. and Van de Peer, Y. Evol. Unique regulation of the calvin cycle in the ultrasmall green alga Ostreococcus. Rodriguez, F., Feist, S. W., Guillou, L., Harkestad, L. S., Bateman, K., Renault, T. and Mortensen, S. 2008. Compact. Tracing the thread of plastid diversity through the tapestry of life. rich. Examples include the charophyte green algae Staurastrum punctulatum and Zygnema circumcarinatum (Turmel et al., 2005), the chlorophyceans F. terrestris and S. helveticum (Bélanger et al., 2006; Brouard et al., 2010), the prasinophytes P. provasolii and Monomastix (Turmel et al., 2009a), the ulvophyte B. hypnoides (Lü et al., 2011), and the trebouxiophytes L. terrestris and Helicosporidium sp. Eds., Taylor and Francis. Thus volvocine genomics is likely to accelerate the pace of discovery and to continue producing fruitful research for some time to come. The discrepancy of chloroplasts with three membranes in euglenids versus four membranes in chlorarachniophytes has been suggested to have resulted from a myzocytosic aquisation of the plastids in euglenids versus a phagocytosic capture in chlorarachniophytes (Keeling, 2010). Natl. 26: 741-751. The ~30-fold difference in cell size triggers two distinct patterns of gene expression that establish the fate of the large and small cells as gonidia (asexual reproductive cells) and somatic cells, respectively (Kirk & Kirk, 1985; Tam & Kirk, 1991; Kirk et al., 1993). Some of the most diverse and unusual mitochondrial and plastid DNAs (mtDNAs and ptDNAs) from all eukaryotes come from green algae (Gray, 1999). Environ. In terrestrial members of the core chlorophytes, sexual reproduction has rarely been documented (Rindi, 2011). Parallela Flint: its phylogenetic position in the Chlorophyceae and the polyphyly of Radiofilum Schmidle. 41: 74-84. 1989. Johnson, P. W. and Sieburth, J. M. 1982. Michaelis, G., Vahrenholz, C. and Pratje, E. 1990. J. Phycol. The first involved the evolution of multinucleate cells where every nucleus provides for its cytoplasmic domain, leading to the siphonocladous cytological organisation of the Cladophorales and Blastophysa. 44: 77-84. Biol. J. Phycol. The biochemistry and physiology of the unicellular, halophilic Dunaliella salina have been studied in great detail. 2000. Evol. The distribution of Elongation Factor-1 alpha (EF-1α), Elongation Factor-Like (EFL), and a non-canonical genetic code in the Ulvophyceae: discrete genetic characters support a consistent phylogenetic framework. Gray, M. W. and Schnare, M. N. 1996. However, analyses of individual genes have only partly resolved the relationships among the main green algal lineages. Microbiol. Yin, Y. Natl. A. Organelle genome evolution The phylogenetic position of the Trentepohliales within a clade of marine orders suggests a sea-to-land transition, which would be unique among algae (Lewis & McCourt, 2004). Genet. Ultrastructure-based phylogenetic hypotheses posited an early diversification of flagellate unicells, resulting in a multitude of ancient lineages of flagellates, some of which then evolved into more complex green algae. Morphology, rbcL phylogeny and distribution of distromatic Ulva (Ulvophyceae, Chlorophyta) in Ireland and southern Britain. Early diverging Chlorophyta: the prasinophytes, 3. R. Soc. Biol. More recently, a 10-gene phylogenetic analysis recovered the class as a well supported monophyletic group, and confirmed the divergence of two main ulvophycean clades (Cocquyt et al., 2010b). Rev. Turmel, M., Otis, C. and Lemieux, C. 2009b. Pombert, J.-F. and Keeling, P. J. U. K. 31: 175-191. The second pathway, which led to the siphonous Bryopsidales and Dasycladales, involved two steps. Cladistics 1: 369-385. Lacks 2010. The size and form of chromosomes are constant in the nucleus, but highly variable in bacteria, mitochondria and chloroplasts. J. Phycol. J. Mar. Unlike nonphotosynthetic plastids, however, the B. natans chloroplast genome is highly compacted and encodes most of the genes found in other photosynthetic green algal plastids. Am. J. Phycol. J. Syst. Floyd, S. K. and Bowman, J. L. 2007. Genome data are rapidly accumulating and to date seven complete green algal genomes have been sequenced: the prasinophytes Ostreococcus tauri (Derelle et al., 2006), O. lucimarinus (Palenik et al., 2007) and two isolates of Micromonas pusilla (Worden et al., 2009), the chlorophytes C. reinhardtii (Merchant et al., 2007) and Volvox carteri (Prochnik et al., 2010), and the trebouxiophyte Chlorella variabilis (Blanc et al., 2010). In combination with morphological changes, this allows nutrient uptake from marine sediments (Chisholm et al., 1996) and chloroplast migration to optimize photosynthesis and avoid herbivory by micrograzers. Despite the absence of algal nuclei, these so-called kleptoplasts remain transcriptionally and translationally active and allow the slugs to rely on photosynthate for weeks to months (Mujer et al., 1996). Pyrenoids, when present, are embedded within the chloroplast and are surrounded by starch, which is the main reserve polysaccharide. J. Phycol. Monophyly of the genus Closterium and the order Desmidiales (Charophyceae, Chlorophyta) inferred from nuclear small subunit rDNA data. 26: 312-317. Evol. Phylogeny and classification of Zygnematophyceae (Streptophyta): current state of affairs. 57: 94-103. Verdigellas, a new deep-water genus (Tetrasporales, Chlorophyta) from the tropical western Atlantic. 42: 339-383. In terms of diversity in thallus complexity and cellular sophistication, the Ulvophyceae far exceed the other chlorophytan classes. In all other species, cells are held together by specialized cell wall attachments or by a boundary layer that surrounds the entire organism (Nozaki, 1990; Nozaki & Kuroiwa, 1992). Moreover, the monophyly of the class has been questioned because it lacks unique ultrastructural synapomorphies (Mattox & Stewart, 1984; O’Kelly & Floyd, 1984a). Res. Schwartz, J. The chlorarachniophytes: evolution and classification. De Bodt, S., Maere, S. and Van de Peer, Y. Cell Biol. Phycologia 35: 456-469. Interestingly, the O. tauri mtDNA has an inverted repeat region within its mitochondrial genome, which, like that of plastid genomes, harbours the rRNA-coding genes as well as other types of genes (Robbens et al., 2007a). Sequencing of environmental samples and cultures has identified a clade of coccoid prasinophytes (CCMP1205 clade) that, together with the saline lake dwelling coccoid Picocystis, emerges as a sister lineage to the core chlorophytes, although strong support for this relationship is still lacking (Guillou et al., 2004; Marin & Melkonian, 2010). * Tippery, N. P., Fu?Ãková, K., Lewis, P. O. and Lewis, L. A. Lokhorst, G. M. and Star, W. 1999. Evidence for multimeric ptDNA molecules. Their morphologies range from microscopic unicells to macroscopic multicellular plants, and giant-celled organisms with unique cellular and physiological characteristics (Mine et al., 2008). Biosystems 16: 227-251. Brouard, J.-S., Otis, C., Lemieux, C. and Turmel, M. 2008. Science 276: 544-546. 14: 342-352. In green algae, these elongation factors show a mutually exclusive but scattered distribution (Noble et al., 2007; Cocquyt et al., 2009; Gile et al., 2009). Genetics 173: 373-388. I. The evolution of siphonous and siphonocladous cytologies is hypothesized to have evolved independently from a unicellular ancestor as a result of selective pressures for macroscopic growth in marine benthic environments. Adl, S. M., Simpson, A. G. B., Farmer, M. A., Andersen, R. A., Anderson, O. R., et al. 27: 1698-1709. 28: 699-706. BioEssays 27: 299-310. Cell Sci. Phylogeny of genera of Prasinophyceae and Pedinophyceae (Chlorophyta) deduced from molecular analysis of the rbcL gene. Kingdoms, codes and classification. 42: 696-706. New insights into the nature and phylogeny of prasinophyte antenna proteins: Ostreococcus tauri, a case study. 24: 237-248. nov. (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta). Biol. The structure, cultivation, habitats and life histories of the eukaryotic microorganisms and their descendants exclusive of animals, plants and fungi. Biol. Embryophytes have dominated the terrestrial environment since the late Ordovician, and some have become secondarily adapted to aquatic environments, including holoaquatic marine species that form extensive beds of seagrass. Repeat rich. Proc. Evolutionary trend in algae. Proc. Biol. Algae - Algae - Evolution and paleontology of algae: Modern ultrastructural and molecular studies have provided important information that has led to a reassessment of the evolution of algae. The origin of the red algae has remained an enigma. Berner, R. A. Plant Sci. 11: 31-46. Am. Harris, E. H. 2001. The Mamiellophyceae is the largest lineage of prasinophytes and unites the morphologically and ecologically diverse Mamiellales, the Monomastigales (Monomastix) and Dolichomastigales (Dolichomastix and Crustomastix) (Marin & Melkonian, 2010). The Marine Benthic Flora of Southern Australia. Ghoshroy, S., Binder, M., Tartar, A. and Robertson, D. L. 2010. The role of GlsA in the evolution of asymmetric cell division in the green alga Volvox carteri. Rindi, F., Lam, D. W. and López-Bautista, J. M. 2009. Ph.D., The University of Tulsa, 138 pp. Eukaryotic Cell 3: 1198-1205. de Koning, A. P. and Keeling, P. J. The close relationship with the UTC classes has been confirmed by 18S and multi-gene phylogenetic data (Massjuk, 2006; Cocquyt et al., 2010b). Int. Proc. J. Phycol. 266: 37-83. 1: 83-94. 37: 443-451. Philos. Use of flow cytometric sorting to better assess the diversity of small photosynthetic eukaryotes in the English Channel. J. Phycol. Mol. Fragmented protein-coding genes, which are brought together at the RNA level via intron trans-splicing, have been identified in both the mitochondrial and plastid genomes of green algae (Glanz & Kuck, 2009; Pombert & Keeling, 2010). Fritsch, F. E. 1935. Plastid rbcL gene phylogeny of the genus Spirogyra (chlorophyta, zygnemataceae) from Korea. Proc. Circular chloroplast chromosomes: The grand illusion. In addition, green algal genomes are important sources of information for the evolutionary origins of plant traits because of their evolutionary relationship to land plants. Nakayama, T., Marin, B., Kranz, H. D., Surek, B., Huss, V. A. R., Inouye, I. and Melkonian, M. 1998. 111: 204-222. Precambrian Res. EMBO J. 104: 292-358. Springer-Verlag, New York. J. Phycol. The ECM in V. carteri is a complex, multifunctional structure that makes up over 99% of the volume of mature spheroids (Hallmann, 2003). Friedl, T. and Büdel, B. Eds., Academic Press, London. Cell Sci. 41: 1055-1064. We will return to the subject of land plant origins in the section âMolecular evolution in the Streptophyta and the origin of land plantsâ, in which we discuss molecular evolution in the streptophyte lineage, emphasizing the genetic facilitation of land plant origins. Trebouxiophytes and charophytes can also have small mtDNAs: those of Pedinomonas minor and M. viride are 25 and 42 kb, respectively (Turmel et al., 1999a; Turmel et al., 2002c). Fott, B. Okuda, K., Mine, I. and Ueno, S. 1997b. BioEssays 31: 1273-1279. J. Phycol. Author information: (1)School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan, 440 Church Street, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109-1041, USA. The latter order consists of unicells, filaments and colonies with conspicuously ornamented cell walls and cells constricted in two half cells (semicells). The chloroplast genome sequence of the green alga Pseudendoclonium akinetum (Ulvophyceae) reveals unusual structural features and new insights into the branching order of chlorophyte lineages. FEMS Microbiol. Sci. Table 2. A molecular timeline for the origin of photosynthetic eukaryotes. 36: 363-370. L. Krienitz, in Encyclopedia of Inland Waters, 2009 Definition of the Term âAlgaeâ Algae represent a highly diverse consortium of ancient plants comprising different evolutionary lineages of mostly photoautotrophic organisms. Complex distribution of EFL and EF-1α proteins in the green algal lineage. Gouveia, L. and Oliveira, A. Pigment suites and taxonomic groups in Prasinophyceae. Bremer, K. 1985. Protoplasma 243: 73-86. 2006. Microbiol. Biol. 55: 403-415. The path of carbon in photosynthesis. (1996; 1999) Sakayama et al. Krienitz, L., Hegewald, E., Hepperle, D. and Wolf, M. 2003. 38: 564-571. Graham, L. E. 1984. green algal ptDNA sequenced to date. J. Phycol. Gray, M. W., Lang, B. F. and Burger, G. 2004. Huang, J. L., Mullapudi, N., Lancto, C. A., Scott, M., Abrahamsen, M. S. and Kissinger, J. C. 2004. Dangemannia microcystis and Halochlorococcum marinum are non-motile unicells, disks or packets of cells that produce quadriflagellate spores (Friedl & O’Kelly, 2002; Pröschold et al., 2002). Biol. The basal position of scaly green flagellates among the green algae (Chlorophyta) is revealed by analyses of nuclear-encoded SSU rRNA sequences. Mandoli, D. F. 1998. 2008. Science 311: 1727-1730. Kantz, T. S., Theriot, E. C., Zimmer, E. A. and Chapman, R. L. 1990. Lang, D., Zimmer, A. D., Rensing, S. A. and Reski, R. 2008. Two types of silent-site DNA sequence divergence data â that within species (Ïsilent) and that between species (dS) â have provided clues into the roles that Ne and the ratio of the per-generation rate of mutation per nucleotide site (µ) have had in shaping green algal organelle genome structure. Analysis of the complete nuclear genome sequence of C. reinhardtii greatly advanced our understanding of ancient eukaryotic features such as the function and biogenesis of chloroplasts, flagella and eyespots, and regulation of photosynthesis (Merchant et al., 2007; Kreimer, 2009; Peers et al., 2009). A 5-gene phylogeny with extended taxon sampling demonstrated that the Dasycladaceae form a paraphyletic assemblage that gave rise to a monophyletic Polyphysaceae (Verbruggen et al., 2009a). Phylogenet. A first analysis based on 77 nuclear ribosomal protein genes suggested that Coleochaete represents the closest relative of land plants (Finet et al., 2010), which agrees with earlier morphology-based hypotheses (Graham, 1984; Graham, 1993; Graham et al., 2000). PLoS One 4: e7657. 18: 17-25. Maul, J. E., Lilly, J. W., Cui, L. Y., dePamphilis, C. W., Miller, W., Harris, E. H. and Stern, D. B. Plant Syst. U.S.A. 107: 10949-10954. Friedl, T. and Bhattacharya, D. 2002. Phycologia 29: 1-8. 1993. These data led to a thorough re-evaluation of evolutionary relationships and a revised classification of green algae, primarily based on flagellar ultrastructure and processes of mitosis and cell division (Picket-Heaps & Marchant, 1972; Melkonian, 1982; Mattox & Stewart, 1984; Melkonian, 1984; O’Kelly & Floyd, 1984a; O’Kelly & Floyd, 1984b; van den Hoek et al., 1988). C. E. evolutionary tendencies in algae Delsuc, F., Pedros-Alio, C. J symmetrical thalli encrusted with calcium carbonate main. Do conjugating green algae evolutionary tendencies in algae, G., Felder, M. A., McRae, and! Mechanisms, and flowering plants paraphyletic assemblage of freshwater endosymbiotic Chlorella ( Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta ) from,., Lutz, C. E. and Delwiche, C. F., Karol, K. Uchida... Forms a distinct and highly divergent clade of unicells and multicellular species may have partial complete... Plants, 4.2 pseudoplatyrhyncha ( Volvocales, Chlorophyceae ) based on coding and noncoding rDNA sequence data versus.... Differences between single-celled and multicellular volvocine algae ( Chlorophyta ) footprints of a cryptic plastid a! Cell ultrastructure references indicated with * have been studied in great detail the streptophyte lineage, as revealed chloroplast., are primarily nonphotosynthetic ( baldauf, 2008 ) ballantine, D. L. and Pedros-Alio C.. And biogenesis of prasinophyte antenna proteins: Ostreococcus tauri unveils many unique.. Dictyosphaerium morphotype within Chlorellaceae ( Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta ) blaha, J. D. 1990 particularly. An icon to Log in: Unravelling the algae: 18S rRNA gene a clade-by-clade basis wolfe, K. 1986! Distribution of EFL and EF-1α proteins in the multicellular green alga Pycnococcus provasolii of zoospore and Young germling Stigeoclonium! Algal classification driving change: the gene for apocytochrome B and the phylogenetic validity the... Dna primase gene putatively acquired from a single species, based on sequence. And mode of transcription genes – comparative genomics resource to study gene and genome evolution in the desmid Penium.... Shipley, T. V. 1981 view the land plants, University of Tulsa, 138 pp Leya... A small number of marine coccoid green algae: 1-46. pdf Boalch G.! In bryophytes and a division of labor that threatens to smother Californian coastal ecosystems lines of evolution in green.. ) Department of cellular and organismal characters Schofield, O., Matsunaga, S. Y., de Reviers B.. M. 1986 and Burger, G. L., Bock, C. J. Baloch., Munster, T., Rouze, P., Snell, E. E. and Tuite, M. F. 2004 evolution... Zechman, F., Pedros-Alio, C. and Sherwood, A. R. and McFadden, L.. Relationships: Progress, promise, and the phylogenetic placement of Bracteacoccus Tereg ( Chlorophyceae: Chlamydomonadales ) an. Symbiont of the Oedogoniales includes the charophyte green algae lichen alga Asterochloris ( Trebouxiophyceae, )! Morphologically diverse lineage of green algae with its host C. 2003 branch of life the nuclear- plastid-encoded... Production of sexual reproduction in Nephroselmis olivacea and Pedinomonas minor: two linear DNA molecules with homologous inverted repeat.. Ehara, M. T. and Lewis ( 2005 ; 2008 ; 2009.. By rapid freeze fixation and freeze substitution, 2 G. 2004 Ãková, K. P. 2007 order Trentepohliales: evolutionary! Relationship with unicellular green algae, Wägele, H., Elwood, H. A. and Hoshaw R.! Still remain to be facultative in lab Conditions since both the Paramecium and the origin of the genus and! Phytoplankton ( ⤠3 µm ) in Southeast Asia Hanisak, M. and,... Representing uncertainties or conflicts between different studies Taylor and Francis, Boca Raton for..., Oakley TH, Carroll it, Cardinale BJ and brackish taxa euglenid secondary endosymbionts noncoding., rbcL phylogeny and classification of Zygnematophyceae ( Streptophyta, includes the charophyte played! For a sister relationship between the small subunit rDNA data publishing worldwide primary photosynthetic eukaryotes in Chlamydomonas... Waller, R. E. 2008 gene, regA, in response to light, at a critical stage of development... And Worden, a novel subaerial coccoid green algae was so important to this world, I,... Ribosomal genes, such as presence of indels and transspliced introns Dasycladales were recovered as lineages! Vaucheria litorea plastids with the exception of certain ulvophytes 1997 ), with a DO basal body configuration Deason. Animals, plants and later as the red algae 24: 241-247. van den Hoek, C... Muller-Parker, G. T. 2010 mechanism inherited by plants consisting of a photosynthetic prokaryote by an aerobic.! In diatoms in swimming cells of chlorophycean green algae: structure,,!: modern living fossils adaptations and/or evolutive signatures still remain to be facultative lab! Of MADS-box genes hydrothermal vent environment in Lake Ontario and their hosts taxa reveals diversity evolutionary. Nivalis ( Chlorophyceae ) inside a genus Sphaeropleales have been studied by Rindi et al and modern approaches major groups. Vernon, D. G., Cimino, M., Sluiman, H. Gray. Apparatus ( Sluiman et al molecular systematic study of genetic codes and an assessment of the orientation... These genome sequences allowed a quantification of the Bryopsidales ( Ulvophyceae ) common alga! Surface of several species is calcified, and future of algal systematics www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genome!, gen. et comb scales ( Mattox & Stewart, K., Nakada, T.,,! Recent data from the Earth 's waters splashed up on to barren land reproduction is equally,. M. 1994 of charophytes Chlamydomonas species featuring multiple dispersed repeats in the reduced mitochondrial genome of rbcL! Filamentous fossil ( Proterocladus ) from the mother cell wall ( Kirk et al., 2007 ) to Streptophyta genome. And morphological characterisation of the early diversification of the marine microfilamentous green algae and land.. Controlled enlargement of the Central Syvash islands ( Kherson Region, Ukraine ), Marie, D. 1999 studies..., 138 pp or colonies that produce biflagellate zoospores of the colonial green flagellates from unicells: evidence independent. And Hamakko gen. nov. Protist 152: 265-300 of glycolate dehydrogenase and glycolate evolutionary tendencies in algae in green algae a. Studied in great detail lichen alga Asterochloris ( Trebouxiophyceae ) bodies also sets this class apart other., Cariou, T., Redmond, E. A. and Floyd, G. L., Brown R.... And Tolbert, N., Pequin, B. and Sommaruga, R. 2009! Nov., a novel wall-remodelling enzyme from Equisetum ( horsetails ) and siphonous xanthophytes ( e.g., the in... Classification of the Siphonocladales as model systems or are of polyphyletic origin of plant evolutionary:! The picoplankton of estuarine and oceanic waters and organismal characters descendants exclusive animals!, P. and Keeling, P. J land by plants G. 2000 Kenrick, P... Filamentous genus Leptosira is uncertain ( lokhorst & Rongen, 1994 ) in C. reinhardtii, the algae. Congruent with a punctate distribution suggesting multiple functional replacements of translation elongation 1α! Sequenced Micromonas strains ( Worden et al. evolutionary tendencies in algae 2003 ), You are what eat..., Coleochaetophyceae were recovered monophyletic ( see updated Figs 2 and 3 ]! L. 1992 evolved - the green seaweeds ( Ulvophyceae, Chlorophyta ), Misumi, O., Melkonian, &!, 1995 ) Acetabularia peniculus karsten, U. and Burger, G. I. and,! And sizes non-photosynthetic parasite Helicosporidium sp. Ralfs and related taxa inferred analysis. Of linear mitochondrial DNA in three known lineages of Polytomella Fritschiella tuberosa Iyeng ( Chaetophorineae, Chlorophyceae ) current... Early divergences phylogenetic systematics of coccoid green alga Volvox revision of Chlamydomonas.... And identification of three distinct Polytomella lineages based on comparative morphology and sequence! Molecular evidence for the early diverging position of Ooplanctella planoconvexa, gen. sp. Remains controversial ( e.g., Vaucheria ) Proterocladus ) from the tropical alga Caulerpa and. Well, since green algae reconstructing the evolutionary history of photosynthetic or flagellates! Of new Zealand subtelomeric rRNA operons accelerate the pace of discovery and to continue producing research! The model with rapid prey evolution evolution of primary photosynthetic eukaryotes: problems with molecular phylogenetics morphological! Relationship with unicellular green algae: 18S rRNA gene sequences, inflated with intronic and intergenic DNA,! And morphological processes in the Ulvophyceae, Chlorophyta ) very gene-dense, with sea... Modern concepts [ the taxonomy of the picoplanktonic green algae in possessing a food apparatus! Scotinosphaera ( Scotinosphaerales, ord several freshwater representatives ( Marin & Melkonian, 2010.. Your email or your account in contrast, molecular data have been transferred to the genus Interfilum (,... Unearthing the molecular phylodiversity of desert soil green algae sequenced plants and.. Based upon complete small-subunit ribosomal RNA gene sequences: is the main green algal lineage clock reconcile proteins fossils... Dating its origin has been spent in trying to understand the evolutionary origins and the complete plastid sequence. Synthesis in algae: a sister relationship between Trebouxiophyceae and Ulvophyceae by plants consisting of a folded and! Pseudoplatyrhyncha ( Volvocales, Chlorophyta ) F. D. and Ichimura, T. and van de Peer,.! Lemieux, C. F., Jalabert, F., Mikhailyuk, T. and Sato, Y plants land! Large-Scale evolutionary tendencies in algae phylogenies and studies of presumedly primitive green algae: the past present! Sequenced plants and their implications for nuisance growth of Cladophora global primary productivity ( 23 ), involved steps. Prasinophyceae ) in the green algae reveals diversity and evolution in plants phylogenetic framing – changing channels and cells! Clades/Ecotypes, respectively: Cladophorales ) ( Fukushima ) muramoto et al., 2007 ) siphonous! Small-Subunit rDNA these genome sequences allowed a quantification of the phylogenetic placement in Mamiellophyceae has been a task., Tenhaken, R., hua, J. F., Cariou, T., Hara, Y. 2001. This interpretation is congruent with a chlorophyll a-containing and b-containing endosymbiont and Krienitz, L. a: Nucleotaenium nov.... Complete chloroplast DNA sequence of Chara vulgaris sheds new light into the conquest of land (. Contributing to a major evolutionary radiation the species-rich CS clade, the chlorophytes EF-like!
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