Dominic Robinson SJ explores Pope Benedict’s call in the light of the Second Vatican Council’s understanding of evangelisation and later developments of this teaching. A final reason why the Church needs a new commitment to evangelisation is because there has been some ambiguity about the meaning of Christian witness over the last half century or so. An address by Monsignor Philip Egan, former episcopal vicar for the New Evangelisation of the Diocese of Shrewsbury. Paul VI, Evangelization in the Modern World, Evangelii, Nuntiando "Evangelism will always contain – as the foundation, center, and at the same time the summit of its dynamism – a clear proclamation that, in Jesus Christ…salvation is offered to all men, as a … The term “The New Evangelization” is thrown around in many Catholics circles today, but what exactly does it mean? I think the book does help to answer these questions, but there is a more basic problem with evangelization in the Catholic Church. We are doubtless all familiar with the term ‘evangelisation’, which comes from Greek and means, ‘to announce Good News’ or ‘glad tidings’. Let us begin with some thoughts on what we mean by the expression “ new evangelisation “. Even for those who are very committed to the idea of sharing the faith, there has sometimes been a hesitation about the need to explicitly proclaim the Gospel. It is believed that Blessed John Paul II first used the term in 1983 in an address to Latin American Bishops. Evangelization must always be directly connected to the Lord Jesus Christ….There is no true evangelization if the name, the teaching, the life, the promises, the Kingdom and the mystery of Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God are not proclaimed.”(#10-11) What is Evangelization? Luke 10:1–12). Fr Ralph De Hahn explains. The launch of the new Pastoral Plan by our bishops in late January was much anticipated—with most Catholics still wondering what the word “evangelisation” really means. There are so many ways to go wrong in evangelism—impulses of fear on the one side, vain ambition on the other—that if we do not nail down a truly biblical understanding, we will quickly veer off course. He would later bring this term to the attention of the entire Church. Our evangelistic efforts must stem from a biblical understanding of evangelism. In the same text, Jesus mentioned that few people were willing to evangelize, despite there being many … This article is part of the 10 Things You Should Know series.. 1. In the words of Pope Paul VI, “Jesus himself, the Good News of God, was and is the greatest evangelizer”. What does the new evangelisation mean, and how is it an authentic fruit of Vatican II? The new Pastoral Plan calls on us to evangelise, but how are we to understand that task? Shortly after the Second Vatican Council, Pope Paul VI convened a synod to define what we Catholics mean by "evangelization." Evangelisation is a word that does not always sit easily within the Catholic context. The word “evangelization” as found in the Scriptures means “communication of the evangelium, or Good News.” In order to understand what this means, we must set our gaze on Jesus Christ. Evangelism can include preaching or distributing bibles, tracts, newspapers and/or magazines, by the media, street evangelists, etc.. The Bible records that Jesus sent out his disciples to evangelize by visiting peoples homes in pairs of two believers (cf. As long as we cling to this idea that evangelization consists of doing good deeds for people the power of preaching the gospel will be diluted. It would be fair to say that until relatively recent times, it is a word we would more closely associate with our Protestant and Evangelical brothers and sisters. Please don’t misread this.
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